snip snip

Jan 16, 2011 12:13

Who: Adachi Tohru (implausibility) and, in no particular order: Jan, Godot, Malik, Isamu, Nagi, Ikutsuki
When: Hours after sirens, forward-dated to Friday evening.
Where: Outskirts of downtown Siren's Port.
Summary: You don't snip the strings of a puppet without it crashing to the ground.
Warnings: I guess it's a little late to say spoilers for Persona 4... ( Read more... )

isamu, godot, nagi naoe, jan valentine, malik a-sayf, shuji ikutsuki, tohru adachi

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HI THERE SWEETHEART implausibility January 17 2011, 17:19:39 UTC
Perhaps because it was so dark, it was easier to hear Adachi before it was possible to see him. In general, he was the type of person who was rather sloppy about his entrances but exceedingly careful about his exits, which was infinitely worse than the other way around, but also a bit rarer. Before a name could be put to the face, though, he had one hand on the wall he was leaning on, and he was doubled over as if in pain, coughing loud, dry coughs like he was trying to get something out that was stuck in his throat, except to little success. Between such fits, he was breathing deeply but evenly, and only when the shuffle of some fleeing monster far away from both of them sounded did he snap his head up.

Adachi was turned away from Ikutsuki's direction, and so his face wasn't visible, but his body language said it all. His fingers were bent, clawing fruitlessly into a hard, ungiving brick wall, and his other hand was hanging limp at his side, a police-issue pistol hanging from his fingers. He looked tired, and like he had been thoroughly beaten in a fight, or a series of them, in fact. Straightening to stand at alert, he listened for any further signs of an attack, and when none came, he crouched down, shoulders shaking. It took a second for his laughs become audible.


HELLO THERE :3 rodeforthefall January 17 2011, 22:50:56 UTC
It seemed that it was not a monster nearby, but another person. Ikutsuki was still cautious in his continued approach; while the monsters were dangerous, there was generally a reason behind their behaviours. People as a whole were a lot less predictable, and he needed to see the other person - man? he could almost make that much out - before he could make any analyses.

If the situation was harmless, Ikutsuki knew that laughing it off would be the easiest way to deal with it and he would apologize most politely; most people would know that caution best be exercised at this time of night, even when not living in a world regularly visited by monsters that everyone could see. No-one could begrudge him for being careful.

Strange though it was, the man seemed to be laughing. Some probably derived enjoyment of the adrenalin rush of being out in the Darkness, fighting and evading monsters; Ikutsuki couldn't really empathize with the desire for such fleeting pursuits, although he understood it well enough. He understood that some people didn't feel alive unless they were in a situation where their mortality could be tested; it was just another way of people trying to make something of their own meaningless existence. The fact that a life could be extinguished at any moment -- there was nothing special about; it was just a fact of biology. Yet, this did not seem to be the laughter of someone's joyous night out, of releasing pent-up energy. Still suspicious and wary, Ikutsuki approached further; he should really turn around, he knew, but that would mean turning his back -- and for now, he would far prefer to be able to see what he was being confronted with. His footsteps were heavy, his own pistol was still raised. "Who's there?" he called calmly, hoping that the tone of his voice would encourage the other person not to panic at the sight of his weapon.


HOW'S IT HANGING implausibility January 18 2011, 16:48:49 UTC
A flurry of motion - the laughing abruptly stopped, and Adachi quickly straightened, drawing himself up to whatever meager height by reflex, raising his own gun and naturally seeking out the first form to appear in the dark, slanting his body to make himself the smallest possible target without sacrificing maneuverability, since he had no cover to work with in the open. It was the result of his police training ingrained into him, because he had studied that like he had studied everything else in his youth - like it was as vital as air, like it would guarantee his future, like his life would depend on it - and lo and behold, unlike most other study materials, it almost did.

"Inaba- ...Siren's Port P.D.! Show yourself!"


THAT LINE COUPLED WITH THAT ICON ... made me envision Adachi examining a lampost or something rodeforthefall January 19 2011, 08:15:58 UTC
A policeman? Ikutsuki remained suspicious, although he did continue his approach, lowering his gun but keeping it in his hand by his side. While it would not do to arouse suspicion or appear threatening, if this was some manner of trap he wanted to be prepared within a matter of moments. Deciding to comply with the instructions for now, he walked towards a more well-lit patch so he could be more easily seen -- putting himself at the disadvantage, he knew, but garnering trust was more important in this situation, as it wasn't quite life-threatening yet.

"What's the matter, officer?" Ikutsuki asked as he stepped forward.


That'd be totally IC, sadly enough. implausibility January 20 2011, 05:05:22 UTC
He recognized the voice before the face, but judging from how his narrow-eyed stare eased into something more comfortable, Adachi was able to put the face to the sound soon enough. His gun arm lowered, but only to around hip-level. He could raise it and fire all in a matter of an instant, if need be. "You're the guy..." And to his credit, he actually gave it some thought, even if the thoughtfulness lasted a fraction of a second. Shaking his head to clear it when no name came, he shrugged, as if excusing himself. "You're still looking for monsters out here?"

Adachi glanced around, smiling wryly. "None 'round these parts." Anymore. "Still gotta be careful, that's all." He turned to smile back at the other man. "Things in the dark."


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