A not-so triumphant return

Jan 06, 2011 19:53

Who: grimmjerk, 1stguardian, and OPEN to any inhabitant of Nueva Last Noches!
When: Early evening, directly following his post and continuing later into the night.
Where: The baseball diamond, then en route to the castle, then the castle itself.
Summary: Grimmjow finally returns from the dead - and from a trip back home. An unfortunate side-effect is a collection of ( Read more... )

grimmjow jaegerjaquez, kurosaki ichigo, nelliel tu odelschwanck, aizen sousuko, shirosaki hichigo, luppi antenor, szayel aporro granz

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alapimp January 7 2011, 19:49:25 UTC
[ He lets Grimmjow's rescue occur without incident, waiting until his original Sexta is bedded down and comfortable (able to discuss matters at length) before approaching the injured arrancar's chambers. He couldn't give each of them a palace on the accursed island and very much felt that his Espada lived in cramped quarters that would, one day, result in someone or something being blown sky-high. Rules applied, of course, just as they had in Hueco Mundo, but the living hadn't been harassing his generals back there ( ... )


grimmjerk January 7 2011, 21:58:17 UTC
[ If Grimmjow had had the capacity, he would have gotten up anyway. There was the idea of healthy, intentional respect, sure; no Espada that was any number higher than two would face Aizen any other way than on their feet. He wanted to, right then, but there'd been more than time enough to realize just how fucked up he was and would be for a while. Being caught laying down embedded one last little thorn in his pride, but it would be nothing compared to attempting to stand and failing to like he knew that he would.

But there was also the instinctual fear, the bone-deep sensation of being weak and vulnerable in front of a predator. It wasn't something he could really control; living for as long as he had in the way that he had made for an automatic reaction that never left and never quieted.

Grimmjow could act like it wasn't there, but the hairs on the back of his neck still stood on end just the same. ]

Better. [ Honesty in his own way. At least he wasn't bleeding all over everything anymore. ] It's nothing I can't handle.

[ ( ... )


alapimp January 7 2011, 22:10:48 UTC
[ Stepping further into the room, he walked toward the end of the bed, scanning him from head to toe with a flicker of interest, silence hanging. Finally, he tilted his head and commented. ]

You're already looking healthier than when you first arrived, despite Nnoitra's interference.

[ His memories of Las Noches were still fresh, replaying Ichigo's fight against Grimmjow. He had yet to witness that of Ulquiorra's, but it was doubtful Ichigo hadn't tried to exert the same mercy. Grimmjow owed the boy so much, doubly now. Surely he was aware of it, as much as he would be that Sousuke saw everything that went on under his own sky. ]

What do you remember from your time in this city, prior to your departure?


grimmjerk January 7 2011, 22:27:24 UTC
[ Grimmjow was too tired to hide his surprise, but after it made its way onto his face he realized how stupid it was. Of course Aizen would have known how that fight ended. He'd always known, no matter how vast the interiors of Las Noches had been.

He had more bandages on him than uniform at this point, which at the very least hid the types and severity of his injuries. Nnoitra's handiwork was too distinctive to disguise, but the important wound, the slim incision where Ichigo's zanpakuto had slid in one side and out the other, remained out of sight.

He could have aimed higher. ] I remember all of it.

[ He stopped, and when he started again, something cracked bitterly at the ends of his words. ] Someone told me the lawyer came back.


alapimp January 7 2011, 22:33:48 UTC
His soul became part of the Darkness and went on a rampage. [ Strolling toward the window, he observes the gardens beyond. ] His friends have pardoned his slaughter, as you'll discover, though it far out-weighs anything you have ever done here. He returned a few days ago with no memory of it.

The world and its laws are hypocritical, Grimmjow. You've picked a poor excuse of humanity to have a feud with.

[ Sigh. If that didn't impart his opinion of the inhabitants, not only Edgeworth, he didn't know what would. ]

Will you be continuing the quarrel? I have another task for you, if you wish to work while recuperating and seek a far more galling revenge.

Since you're feeling up to it.


grimmjerk January 7 2011, 23:12:46 UTC
[ A creature, a monster, a thing that had looked just like him but stank of rotting meat. A face empty of everything but mockery, a sickening distortion of his voice that was only scorn and hatred. Not an ounce of fear. No hesitation, no doubt. Not in any way remotely human.

"You're dead-!"


He didn't remember. ] ...that's a sick joke.

[ Bitterness twisted on his face and stayed there while his eyes slid to the side. He thought of the human lying there on the pavement, broken and bleeding, his body already starting to cool. He thought of his weakness, and his fear.

In a low voice: ] What is it?


alapimp January 7 2011, 23:53:02 UTC
There is a man name Roman Sionis, he has a skull for a face but is unaccountably human, despite his looks. If he approaches you for anything, I would like you to assist him.

He's building an organisation of criminals, I believe he may have contacts that may prove useful in combat or otherwise. He's already interested in your strength, I met him while he was searching for you during your absence. It matters little that he finds you impressive, he's a mortal and prone to such astonishment at noting the obvious.

I would like for you to prove as helpful to him as possible while collecting information on his associates and relaying to them my good will.

[ Branching out into the underworld, Grimmy. It's your chance to figure out who's the strongest; there are also perks. ]

Luppi will do as you say, if you mention I'd like for him to help you.

[ And if he doesn't he can have a chat with Sousuke in private. ]


grimmjerk January 8 2011, 07:39:04 UTC
Roman. [ A bad taste comes from somewhere, as heavy on his tongue as gravity is on the rest of him.

Parts of it aren't all that bad. His pride would always welcome that extra reminder of his own strength; he'd be a fuckin' liar if he claimed that he hadn't felt some of the old satisfaction just then. And it'd felt good, too; it made the memories of that last fight fade, made his wounds ache less. It was almost enough for him to be alright with the idea of willingly allying themselves with a human.

But then, what was Ichigo if not...? ] Where can I find him?

[ But oh, oh. There was the dealmaker. It wasn't quite clear what bubbles up and slips out before he can really stop it: a snort, a laugh, or a low growl. Some combination, most likely, and the curse that always accompanied Luppi's name. ]

That little bitch... [ Grimmjow's teeth lit his smile. ] Yeah, definitely. I can do that.


alapimp January 8 2011, 16:06:01 UTC
He'll be on the network, it's not as though he keeps a low profile.

Grimmjow, you're not to immediately run to his aid. I want you to use the network to gather his trust, or at least his acceptance, we want to have him almost too eager for your appearance when you finally meet him face to face. Find out about the people he wishes to pool resources with, they are the real interest of the matter. Roman himself is spiritually bland.

[ Make a stepping stone feel like the only rock in the river. ]

Your performance represents not only the other Espada, but me.


grimmjerk January 10 2011, 08:23:10 UTC
[ When had it ever been anything but? Grimmjow wasn't dumb or deaf. He knew how to pay attention. He knew that nearly any conversation about the Espada inevitably led back to Aizen. What did their actions mean, were they part of Aizen's plans? What had Aizen told them to do this time? If any of them looked at a person cross-eyed, did that mean Aizen had it in for them?

Fucking idiots, all of them. What was really going on would always been so completely out of their grasp. No one could second-guess or predict Aizen, least of all any one of them.

Even just thinking about it made Grimmjow want to laugh and laugh. ]

It'll be easy. [ Spoken with confidence as only Grimmjow knows it; it's still the same, injury or no injury. Death or no death. ] Humans are all the same.

So long as we got something he wants, it'll be easy.


alapimp January 10 2011, 13:18:11 UTC
He wants you, but he's nervous because you're my general. Already, he thinks you're above him, even subconsciously, which is not something we need to correct.

[ He walks back toward the door, doing Grimmjow the fleeting grace of not getting any closer. ]

You will remain in Nueva Las Noches until your wounds are fully healed. [ Glances over a shoulder. ] How is the scar on your back?

[ Healed, with any luck. ]


grimmjerk January 11 2011, 01:45:26 UTC
[ There was no denying it: hearing that made him feel good, better than he had since Kurosaki had had to drag him back here, and before even that. The prospect of doing something, of having some kind of purpose in this shithole of a city, galvanized him, even while weak and recuperating. ]

Gone, like it'd never been there in the first place. [ Grimmjow's pride was showing through, even tempered as it was by the next admission. ]

It was that girl that did it.



alapimp January 11 2011, 02:06:03 UTC
I'm glad to hear you're acquainted with her.

[ Pausing before he leaves, Sousuke adds in a low understatement; ]

Heal, Grimmjow.

[ Encouragement isn't something he feels the need to offer the Espada, so the fact he's taken an interest in Grimmjow's progress speaks for itself. He wants his Sexta at full capacity again; strength and personality both.

With that, Sousuke and his enigmatic smile close the door on his coat-tails, leaving the arrancar in peace. ]


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