Who: Zelda (
eeeek_a_rat), Kanji (
assrenovator), Poland (
When: 1st March, early evening
Where: Room 403, Zelda's apartment
Summary: Slavery? Not on their watch.
Warnings: Possibly swearing?
It was with some anxiety that Zelda was hurriedly getting things ready - doing some tidying, tucking her bow carefully to one side, pausing by the kitchen - people usually served drinks at these sort of things, didn't they? Or was this more informal? She had never actually hosted a meeting designed to free slaves from an evil corporation.
Right - no sense getting herself into a state. She took a breath, smoothed down her skirt (she had got some more normal-looking clothes, now - a knee-length dark blue skirt, a cream-coloured turtleneck, and a pair of white stockings), and continued tidying.
Kanji and Poland would be there any minute now, wouldn't they?