I'm On a Roll, No Self Control

Jan 03, 2011 21:38

Who: Griffin O'Conner (deadly_jump), Carrie Kelley (girlyboywonder), and Ella (of_frell)
When: January 3rd/4th, throughout the day/night
Where: Skye Medical Hospital
Summary: To his utter befuddlement, Griffin manages to get two visitors while recovering from his injuries. Even more surprising, neither one of them are looking to kill him. NOTE: This is pretty much two separate threads combined in one because... I don't want to hog the comm.
Warnings: Griffin being kind of delirious due to pain meds? Other than that, nothing much. Some cussin'.

Griffin tended to avoid the hospital at all costs. They asked for names, papers, all sorts of verification. It just wasn't his scene. Of course, a hospital became hard to avoid when you've been stabbed with a long metal spear. Twice.

He had managed to escape the monster's clutches by just a fraction. Griffin Jumped directly to the Emergency Room of Skye Medical, blowing off all his rules. Had he shown up any later, he was certain he wouldn't have made it.

The doctors patched him up pretty well, considering the damage. The best part was the painkillers. He had been in an infinite amount of agony. Then, the magical drip made everything all better. See, it didn't just take away the physical pain. While that in itself was a glorious reprieve, the medication also made it hard to concentrate. Normally, Griffin wouldn't approve of such a thing at all. He had to be on his guard, always.

Right then? He accepted any form of relief from his own head. Any completely lucid moments were spent dwelling on his encounter with the monster formerly known as Miles Edgeworth. Particularly, what that monster had to say.

ella, carrie kelley, griffin o'conner

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