dedication to a new age

Jan 03, 2011 13:52

Who: Ichimaru Gin (persimmonsplz ) & Re-l Mayer (proxysearch )
When: January 3rd
Where: Siren's Port Prison
Summary: Gin is in prison. Re-l works with the police. Put two and two together...
Warnings: tba

[Last night, for the first time ever in his prolonged shinigami lifetime, Gin had been successfully apprehended for his crimes.]

[Well, one crime, anyway. Something about assisting in the escape of Grimmjow (yes, Gin knew what they were talking about), and of all things to catch him for... it had made Gin laugh. The immediate effect of the accompanying Void and his subsequent inability to flee had shut him up quick enough, though, and in his stupefied silence, the following hours had felt like a blur. Sure, he could recall arriving at the prison, and the process of officers going through paperwork to get him checked in. There was the taking of whatever belongings he had on his person, and his clothes had been replaced with the orange attire of an inmate. Somewhere after that, around dawn, he had ended up in a cell, and then... everything was quiet.]

[He couldn't tell how much time had passed from there. When Gin had initially sat down on the bed that was supposedly his, he still felt sour that he hadn't been able to evade the police like he would have anticipated, and as the hours passed, that feeling was replaced by a vague sense of anxiety over the uncertainty of his situation.]

[Someone would have to come along and clarify… whatever, right?]

re-l mayer, ichimaru gin

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