Party at Wright & Co!

Dec 25, 2010 10:01

Who: The AA cast. Friends are welcome! And as always, Calisto is more than welcome to crash. XD
When: December 24th - perhaps all the way into the 25th if they stay for a Christmas countdown and stay way past midnight
Where: Wright and Co. Law Offices
Summary: Maya Fey and Larry Butz were planning parties separately, but they have decided to join forces and invade Phoenix's office, oh yes. There will be threads for all sorts of things, like games and mingling and whatnot, but feel free to make your own!
Warnings: Lulz, d'awwww moments, people stuffing their faces, Edgeworth possibly folding a paper crane. Do those count?

Phoenix had been right - his office definitely had more space than Larry's tiny apartment. More space meant more places to put decorations over, more people to invite, and of course, more presents, many of which were under the small tree.

There was food - some of it provided by Larry, who was indeed able to snatch some snacks from the bowling alley stand. Well, the others might bring food too...

All in all, everything was all set for a party.

franziska von karma, maya fey, phoenix wright, godot, miles edgeworth, apollo justice, larry butz

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