Who: Seth Nightroad (or Nightlord, pah) and...well...YOU
When: December 21st (late night), during the Dread Eclipse
Where: Crow's Head Beach
Summary: Seth feels her nanomachines acting up---perhaps as a result of the eclipse. The only way to alleviate that? Kill monsters.
Warnings: Violence, mainly. Maybe some foul language depending on who shows up. Also, copious TL;DR.
Who are you, Suleyman had asked her.
It had been a question that Seth couldn't answer. Not because she didn't know----she knew all too well who, or rather what, she was. In fact, if he were still alive, and fighting alongside her right now as she dashed through the shadowy and desolate streets, paying no mind to the echoing of the warning siren that heralded the entrance of the Darkness----he would get the answer to his question. For she was a monster now, her eyes blood-red and her fangs gleaming coldly as she grinned menacingly at the Mutations being shredded apart by her Flames of Sound.
What she wasn't sure of, however, was how exactly he would react to all of this. Would he be terrified? Would he be disgusted? He did, after all, admit to hating her and loving her at the same time. And truth be told, she wouldn't want him to see this side of her. The inner beast. The Krusnik. The part of her that would destroy anyone and anything in her path.
She was not a Terran.
She was not a Methuselah.
Rather...she was something in-between. She could blend in with humans, and she did not have the weaknesses of Methuselah, yet could blend in with them too. She was an anomaly. She belonged to neither race, yet, she fought to protect both. She ruled over both, as Empress, as the Mother of all Methuselah. She sometimes didn't even understand herself. That was why she could not answer his question.
Because the Krusnik in her represented the nothingness, the emptiness in her. She belonged neither with Terrans nor with Methuselah. Her brothers, Cain and Abel, had scattered to the ends of the earth. Her sister Lilith was gone. She had nowhere to go and nowhere to return to.
All she had were her children, her people. Her role as Empress. Even now, in this strange place where none of that even mattered, she still had to fight. To protect the innocent. Failure was not an option.
There seemed to be no end to these disgusting creatures. But Seth would not stop. She refused to. And with that, she raised her swords, ready to kill. Anticipating the bloodshed.
She could feel a twisted sense of excitement blooming within her. And all she could do was smile, as she always did.
Who was she, indeed.