gifts for the world

Dec 20, 2010 20:17

Who: Riku, the Never Was Apartment, and everyone here
When: December 24th and 25th
Where: Riku's apartment
Summary: Christmas Eve with the KH kids and Christmas Day with the city.
Warnings: Shenanigans, cuteness to the point of diabetes, and maybe cursing depending on what characters show up ( Read more... )

kairi, xion, aslan, rinoa heartilly, roxas, riku, aoyagi ritsuka, †: axel

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Christmas Eve walkthedawn December 21 2010, 01:17:41 UTC
fireintwilight December 21 2010, 01:34:09 UTC
[Axel's got a big tangle of Christmas lights he's trying to sort through to put on the tree, and he can't help but wonder what kind of people actually enjoying doing these things year after year. All the tiny bulbs are tangled up in the wires and the whole process is way too fiddly for his tastes, but hey, you've got to start somewhere.]

Who designed these things?

((ooc: Getting in one or two thread starts now 'cause I have to go to bed soon. :( BUT I will definitely be tagging first thing tomorrow!))


madeinoblivion December 21 2010, 02:09:23 UTC
[Joe's tucked halfway under the tree skirt, giving the base a bit more water from a measuring cup. It doesn't keep him too preoccupied to comment wryly]

Someone with more patience than you?


fireintwilight December 21 2010, 10:29:53 UTC
[Picking a part a coil and IGNORING YOU]

I don't see you doing it. [Well maybe not quite.]


madeinoblivion December 21 2010, 16:26:00 UTC
Your job. [An indifferent shrug]


fireintwilight December 21 2010, 17:47:59 UTC
So pay attention to your job.


wtf_keyblade December 21 2010, 02:16:04 UTC
[ Kairi doesn't come alone, though it's not with Sora that she shows up with. After having talked to Riku earlier, she got the okay to bring her roomie with her for Christmas. So having enlisted the aide of her roomie Rinoa, to bring some of the presents for her friends - even Axel, though he'll get a card because.... Because is why. ]

Trust me, they're all really wonderful [ Except Axel. ] You'll get along with them really well. Let me take those gifts real quick, I'm sure Riku has somewhere we can put them for the time being.


starlithysteria December 21 2010, 03:42:48 UTC
[Rinoa was really excited to come to the party, too!] I'm so glad to be outside of the apartment for the night. [She paused for a moment before she smiled a little sheepishly at Kairi.] No offense. Your place is great... just it will be nice to spend some time around other people for a change.

[The presents were handed over, but she also didn't have a problem walking them over to where they needed to be either!] I feel kind of bad for not bringing any gifts though.... [She would have helped bake but... ummm. haha no.] Let me know if there's anything I can help with, okay?


fireintwilight December 21 2010, 10:38:18 UTC


[Oh it's that other redhead. And he doesn't recognize the dark-haired one but he's sure he'll get an introduction, right, Kairi?]

Need some help with those? [Gestures to the presents.]


wtf_keyblade December 21 2010, 12:26:39 UTC
[ Good, because Kairi would have felt horrible if Rinoa had been left alone on Christmas. ] Haha, don't worry about it, Rinoa, I know what you mean, and I agree with you. Being cooped up is no fun.

[ Then startling a bit at Axel's approach. Wait. WHOA who are you and what did you do with Axel. .. ohfine it IS Christmas - even JERKS can be nice then, one supposes. ]

Sure, thanks. [ Hey he offered. And yes, she'll introduce you two because even if you are a jerk she is still polite. ] Axel, this is my friend and roommate, Rinoa. Rinoa, this is Axel. [ He'll probably be nicer to you because you're not The Redhead That Creeps Him Out(tm). ]


starlithysteria December 21 2010, 16:36:44 UTC
[There is no hesitation whatsoever from Rinoa to take Axel up on his offer. Even if he was already carrying some presents for Kairi, she just dumped the ones she had right on top with a smile. He looked like a strong boy, so she was sure he could handle it.] Hello... thanks for helping us out.

[She glanced to Kairi as she tried to do a mental inventory to check if she had heard anything about Axel before. When nothing came up after a few seconds, Rinoa looked back to him.] So... besides carrying things for girls... what do you do, Axel? [To the point! YES!]


fireintwilight December 21 2010, 18:20:34 UTC
[Sure why not. Pile it all on, he can handle it.]

What do I do? Well that depends on who you ask, I guess.[Like Kairi, for example. He's sure the answer wouldn't be flattering. He carries the presents over to be piled under the tree.] Here I work at a couple of nightclubs.


wtf_keyblade December 21 2010, 23:44:03 UTC
[ He could, but Kairi doesn't want him falling with some of that stuff. ]

You had a job at the fair too, during the warmer season, didn't you?


starlithysteria December 22 2010, 00:03:50 UTC
[Rinoa tilted her head a little at the start of Axel's answer. All mysterious like. But she nodded after she got a real answer.]

You work at nights, then? How's that working out for you? Is it hard work?


fireintwilight December 22 2010, 00:47:07 UTC
[Please, Kairi, he wouldn't be that undignified. All your presents are ending up on the floor anyhow.]

At the carnival, actually, before they cut my hours. I decided it wasn't worth the trouble. [And at that point he'd been outed and didn't need the cover for Afterglow anymore.]

Not really. I like it. I work till after midnight, and then I wander around in the Darkness before the sun comes up. [He smiles] But I end up sleeping most days.


wtf_keyblade December 23 2010, 00:21:15 UTC

Rinoa was 'lucky' enough to show up her during the darkness hours. When I was on shift though.

I can't believe you'd actually want to walk around in the darkness like that. [ Srsly Axel what's wrong witchoo? ]


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