Who: Kazuma Ikezawa (
kazumaking ), OPEN!
When: Mid-morning to just before the sirens, 12/14
Where: Roof of the Tower Apartments, Tower 1
What: The first rule of Fight Club is we do not talk about Fight Club. Sparing, of course.
Warnings: PG to PG 13 depending on how violent the matches get
There had been a surprisingly good turn out for Kazuma's rather odd, spontaneous offer. Even people who hadn't talked to him over his NV had come up to see what was going on, and even challenge him and others, and so far he'd gotten far more of a work out than he'd expected. But he was having fun, and the people going against him seemed to be doing the same, so he really wasn't really about to quit any time soon. It wasn't really about winning or losing, though he was the clear cut winner quite a few times, but that didn't mean he wasn't occasionally going down himself. He had a few bruises on his body already to prove it.
It seemed to be more about the fact that there were people besides himself that wanted the same exact thing - a chance to spar and work on their own skills without having to go out and deal with the monsters or other psychos to do so.
It practically a regular Fight Club up there, only without all the insanity that weird-ass movie had.
Of course he still had his promise to Akira to keep for actual lessons, but he figured that could be done later. Already some others were asking him the same. For now, though, he was a little busy for that. If Akira was there, he would get an idea of what he might be learning.
Shirtless with nothing but work out pants and a belt on, the scrawny, tan boy flipped over his current opponent, spinning and giving him a prompt kick in the back, sending the man sprawling forward. A cheer went up from the small crowd, and Kazuma waited for him to get up to bow respectfully and end the match.
He grinned a snarky, cocky grin and went for a drink of water while waiting to see how and when the next match might turn out.
(OOC: Even if you didn't respond to Kazuma's
post, you're still welcome to drop in and either fight Kazuma or put yourself up to fight some one else. Or just poke him to talk. Basically anything is up for grabs in this one! *flee!*))