i'm saying all the things that i know you'll like, making good conversation

Dec 04, 2010 13:43

Who: everyone~
When: Saturday, December 4; evening (overnight)
Where: The Rose, a club in Sector 3
Summary: Singles night!
Warnings: alert a mod if you need a warning added!
NOTE: Because your mods love you, an open log ♥~ This is going to be set up with two main subheaders, one for general mingling, and one under which you can post your character for the speed dating service. It works pretty much like normal speed dating - someone sits with you, and you chat a little to see how you get along. Just post your character with their name in the subheader and how they're sitting etc. and other participants can come speed date!

The club has been rented out specifically for this event, so there shouldn't be anyone in the club who isn't there for this reason. The decorations are cute and minimalist, and there's several facilitators spread around to guide people to where they might want to go, all with smiling faces and sweet demeanors - everything is handled in the sort of almost-cheesy way that makes a person want to hope that they can find the love of their life here.

The music is understated, good for solo dancing but with a good number of slow-dance songs for any coules who might be interested in getting a bit closer. There is an open bar for purchasing alcoholic beverages, and ID is not being checked, as well as a few tables of light snacks set up for free consumption, besides the typical bar food such as nachos, burgers, and fries that can be purchased at the bar.

There is an adjoining room where pairs of chairs are set up facing each other, with small notebooks set up for those sitting there to take notes or keep NV numbers of anyone they might be interested in.

All in all, it's a pretty nice set up.

zoey, alice nonomura, iron-tail fratley, *open log, rin

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