From where does all this come?

Dec 03, 2010 08:41

Who: Jubilee thelittlestbub and Magneto makes_asteroids
When: Friday Night, around midnight
Where: Sector four
Summary: Well, our two thieves are about to meet. Smuggler versus thief!
Warnings: Illegal shenanigans? Maybe a bit of cursing.

Whoops, did I steal that? )

magneto, jubilee

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Comments 63

makes_asteroids December 3 2010, 13:49:44 UTC
The store's security system may have been disabled but his own was NOT. Erik felt the breech in the very thin EM field the moment the door opened. His heart sped up and he slipped back into the shadows, bending the light around him as he did to stay invisible.

Second rule of smuggling: travel light.
Third rule of smuggling: don't get greedy
First rule of smuggling: don't get caught

He'd been careful, so far, where he'd hit. He wasn't hungry, or cold, and people in the house weren't either. But skills honed under the knife-blade pain of hunger, under the threat of death for EVERYONE if caught weren't easily forgotten.

So now, he skimmed along the back wall, just hovering over the surface of the tiles, moving slowly to avoid being seen and see if he could catch a glimpse of this other person.


thelittlestbub December 3 2010, 14:01:35 UTC
Either she had come across another thief - possible; she knew Claudio still went out a lot - or the store hadn't been secured. Not impossible, but the store was too clean for the Darkness to have invaded.

Crouched in the shadows, she slid around the end of an aisle and crept along, keeping her ears open. The only thing she heard was her own speeding heartbeat, and the soft whisper of her boots against the tiles.

Alright, time to see if she could find out who was here.


makes_asteroids December 3 2010, 14:06:24 UTC
He could hear footsteps now, although they were faint.

There really were not may in the city he knew by name, but due to Skye, he'd come in contact with a lot of people.

And EM signatures were as unique as fingerprints. He might not know a name but he'd know if he knew the intruder or not. He reached out with his power and his eyes widened - surprised rather than shocked, he lost his concentration and his hold on the light slipped. The shadows hid a lot.

But not beautifully white hair.


thelittlestbub December 3 2010, 14:12:54 UTC
She slid around another corner. A faint light filtered in through the shutters covering the window. She stopped and stared at the white hair.

Slowly, she unfolded herself from where she'd been crouched. "Magsy?" One fingertip lit, illuminating her face. "What are you..." It dawned on her and she just raised an eyebrow.


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