Who: The jailhouse gang and you! (Which means Edgeworth, Sirius, Shikamaru, and, uh, I guess if Grimmjow needs some visitors, too...)
When: Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Where: The jailhouse now.
Summary: Yeah, it's an open visitation log. WHOOP DE DOOP. BRING BAKED GOODS. Which means - just tag the thread of anyone you want to visit, I suppose. No touching!
Warnings: None so far! Aside from this EFFING SPAMMING ALL YOU GUYS I AM SORRY. It will be done when this plot's dispensed with, I swear, please bear with me.
[The main detention facility for Siren's Port is not precisely a low-security place. They're used to individuals with powers trying to break out, and they're used to their powered accomplices trying to get them out in turn.
So those who walk in will find themselves treated as criminals, no less than the people they're visiting. They'll find themselves with all weapons removed, all gifts thoroughly searched, their names taken down, their powers nullified. They'll be eyed with suspicion, spoken to with terse suspicion, and spoken to as soon as they misbehave.
But visiting rights are visiting rights. So for all that suspicion and manhandling, visitors can come there nevertheless.]