Once even I was a little child. and I was afraid.

Nov 15, 2010 20:35

Who: Luca Macken ( wishgrant ) and Alois Trancy ( masterbaiting ).
When: Tuesday evening, round 4-ish?
Where: Shota Phancyhive Manor!
Summary: Following this thread, this quick log and this late night call, Luca makes the choice to avoid his big brother. Big brother notices. It's time for them to talk.
Warnings: Possible foul language courtesy of Alois? Epic amounts of ( Read more... )

alois trancy, luca macken

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masterbaiting November 19 2010, 00:27:06 UTC

...Alois had not always hated Hannah. There had been a wariness at all times - she was a demon and she... stared at him - but he had not always hated her. Sometimes he liked to watch her mop. But she watched him, too, and it was unsettling, and he could not bear her eyes which held something so unfamiliar.

Looking back on it, it wasn't unfamiliar at all. He just hadn't seen it since Luca's time.

One of Alois' greatest wants right now is for Hannah to be here. He can imagine it, he can picture himself atop her, he can feel the cracking press of throat against his angry palms and he can feel the fury he'd know upon once again realizing that she is not a thing that needs to breathe. He could strangle her all day and nothing would happen.

He really likes the 'strangling all day' part of that, though.

"She was really good to you, huh?" And Alois is horrified by everything. "She was- did you- yeah-"

He wants to tear her other eye out. He wants to drive his foot into her stomach, he wants to beat her vertebrae with the heel of his boot. He wants to pull all of her hair out, smack her mouth until her lips don't work, he wants-

Where exactly does a soul go, once it's inside of a demon?

"She came," he says, and he's disgusted by it. -Not it, actually; 'himself.' Could Luca feel things? Would Luca have known? Was Hannah-? "She didn't lie." Demons lie. "I just-" Bile. "Didn't know, and-" Swallow. "'Cos I had one too-"

One of his hands is grabbing his own wrist as though it really is Hannah's neck.

"So we were together," he says, voice shaking only marginally, and he wants to press his face against his little brother's chest and weep and weep and weep because none of this makes any sense and he hates demons and he hates everything about them and he doesn't understand why Claude would never look at him the way Hannah did and he doesn't understand why he could never get Hannah to stop looking at him the way Claude wouldn't. He thinks, This is Luca and I have to keep taking it. He thinks, I can't lose my shit in front of him. He thinks, I can't keep fucking this up.

But you know what? He does. With his hands at Luca's back and his face against a tiny ribcage, he cries his eyes out, and he tries to explain with, "I didn't know. You are so good."


wishgrant November 22 2010, 23:49:35 UTC
The crying surprises him, and his hands instinctively go to his Brother's head, cradling the blond against his smaller chest. He doesn't tell him to stop crying this time, just holding onto his brother, curling a little so he can hug him properly as he cries.

They were together. Hannah had gone to Brother just like she had promised him she would. It's relieves the knot that had formed in his stomach over night, and pulls some of the tension from his shoulders. He'd granted Brother's wish and been with him forever after that.

But it bothered him. 'Cos I had one too--. Brother had one. Had a--

"You had a demon?" And now his brow furrows, mouth turning down in a worried frown and voice dropping to a whisper. "Why? Brother? ..No. You can't. You're not allowed. You...don't give away your soul. Revoke the contract! Make them take it back! You can't!"


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