Who: everyone~
When: Wednesday, November 3
Where: Fairgrounds
Summary: A Christmas Bazaar has opened up for the day. Have a table, or just peruse the goods!
Warnings: TBA; alert a mod if one is needed
NOTE: This will be set up in the typical "individual threads" fashion, though any player character wishing to set up a table should post a thread with their table so others can harass them!
The Bazaar is set up in a lovely covered area that originally was intended to house animals - it's been cleaned up so there's no smell whatsoever, and there are only half-walls, with large open spacees near the top. About a hundred booths are set up, from small to large, and feature local artists, craftspeople, and people selling secondhand goods in great condition as Christmas gifts. There are also a great number of food stalls, mostly offering farm-fresh items and homebaked goods - corn on the cob on sticks for easy eating, roast chicken, smoked fish, and pastries and cakes of every kind are the standard fare. Healthy, hearty foods homemade in a real kitchen.
There are open pathways between all the stalls, and small treasures can be found here and there, if you just take the time to look...