Between an overload of information and a striving for a pure dedication

Nov 01, 2010 15:58

Who: Jack "Cowboy" Kelly and Miles "M-Dawg" Edgeworth
When: Noonish? Nov 1
Where: Some diner, man.
Summary: Must I summarize? Can't you just read? I mean, don't you see who's in this log? Isn't that enough? No but I seriously have no idea, it's mostly going to be one running into the other and spawn spontaneously from there.

He hadn't meant to fall asleep.

Of course he hadn't; why would he? This was a diner, after all, and he had a bed and home waiting for him should he have decided he would sleep the afternoon away. No, Jack's intentions this afternoon had been to both get some lunch and do his homework. Both were activities which were difficult to do at home-- the former, because he hadn't gone food shopping in ages, and the latter because, much as he loved his roommate, Sirius did rather make things like homework hard to concentrate on. So-- a diner, then, and he figured he would be home by two and then, perhaps, he could collapse in bed for a few hours, or perhaps just drink more coffee until evening came and he could begin the slow process of catching up on his sleep.

For the first fifteen minutes, Jack's plan worked beautifully. He ordered pancakes and coffee, spread his notes and the essay prompt across the table, and began to try and figure out what sort of structure would best please his teacher. It wasn't so hard, he thought; it was just annoying and time-consuming, and most often he hadn't the patience to try and figure it out-- but this essay would be different. This essay would be the A, not the C-, the one where he really wowed them all and showed them he wasn't quite as stupid as they seemed to all think he was.

Jack had even gotten two bullet points in before his head began to swim, the words blurring together nauseatingly. It was due to a lack of food and sleep, he recognized, and glanced over toward the kitchen. His food looked nowhere near ready, nor, more importantly, did his coffee. So-- maybe he could simply close his eyes for a while until it was ready; it wasn't as if he would fall asleep. How could he, when it was so noisy? Anyway, even if he did, the waitress would surely wake him up when she saw him passed out; she was bound to get irritated over someone snoozing in the back.

She didn't, however, and Jack spent the next half hour asleep, his coffee and pancakes cooling next to him, half his notes scattered on the seat across from him as he twitched in his sleep.

miles edgeworth, jack kelly

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