stop yourself from thinking

Nov 01, 2010 11:52

Who: Doumeki and Watanuki
When: midday, November 1, after the night of their re-arrival in Siren's Port
Where: Baseball Diamond to their apartment
Summary: Doumeki and Watanuki are figuring out that they're not exactly where they're used to being, and, having been informed that they own an apartment, they're going to go check it out. Only to ( Read more... )

watanuki kimihiro, doumeki shizuka

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drainedpaladin November 18 2010, 01:11:51 UTC
[his fingers came down to brush over the fabric - he wasn't sure if he wanted to alter it, if he wanted to change it, his eyes sank closed for a moment, and then he spoke]

You made it for me, specifically. I don't know if I want to ruin it.

[an admission, and he shifted to start cutting vegetables, his eyes locked on the task at hand. the fabric of the samue felt warm and smooth, the pattern was good, and even if it fit poorly, the fact that an older version of Watanuki had put so much effort into making something like this, fit so perfectly...he didn't know if he wanted to waste that effort.

when Watanuki finally started talking again, Doumeki paused in cutting the vegetables, though he didn't lift his head, just listening to what the boy said. admitting that he was glad he stayed, that he hadn't expected. Doumeki tilted his head, looking over at the boy, lips parted slightly]

Why wouldn't you expect? [his voice was soft, sort of warm] Living in the same place is what I had...

[he shook his head slightly and looked back down at the vegetables, moving carefully, methodically. and then he added onto it with a quiet voice carefully devoid of emotion]

You might change your mind. There's only one bedroom.


successoroftime November 19 2010, 15:58:11 UTC
[Watanuki straightened, his hands poised over the pot he was attending to, surprised that Doumeki had identified the samue's workmanship as his. He finished preparing the rest of the miso and set it to simmer before going over to where Doumeki stood, his curiousity winning over his anxiety.

Slowly, after glancing up at Doumeki for permission, he touched the hem of the sleeve, feeling the texture of the cloth and the stitches that held the seams together. Something about the quality stole his breath - it was more even than usual, even with the outstanding, fastidious quality that Watanuki regularly delivered when he adjusted his own clothes. ]

...yes. It's one I made.

[he paused again, releasing the fabric and letting his fingers hover nearby. His stitches on a samue that wasn't just for adjustment. This one was made from scratch. A gift from his older self to Doumeki's older counterpart. The craftsmanship tugged at his attention. He could feel how much care had gone into this, how it quietly shone through the simplest lines of thread.

He smiled a little when Doumeki mentioned living in the same place. It reminded him of one of their earlier conversations in that other island.]

It isn't just.. [he waves his hand in a vague gesture as he tried to find the right words.] This is more than that. You already made it clear you'd attempt to move in, but this feels -- close.

[he almost hit himself when he said that rather awkward description -- what are you doing, he berated himself, feeling his internal scramble in his search for the words that made sense and that fit just right.]

I guess it's a good thing you've started helping out, because if you're going to stay over all the time --


successoroftime November 19 2010, 16:12:21 UTC
['I'll be asking you to help out anyway', he was about to say, when Doumeki had relayed a new discovery on their older selves' living condition.]

One bedroom?

[one bedroom. one bed, if Doumeki thought it was significant to mention that --

oh. oh.]


successoroftime November 19 2010, 16:32:56 UTC
[his face burned as the implications of that sunk in, and he slowly covered his mouth with a shaking hand as the raw ache in his chest burst back in full force.

It wasn't just anxiety that he felt, or loss at him not remembering what was important. It was a slow, aching realization that followed his initial shock, and his mind spun in a haze as he struggled yet again to find ground.

This was more than the closeness he had seen for himself when he looked through the apartment -- their apartment. It was a life shared in more ways than he had ever expected since Doumeki had knocked sense into him about him not moving away. It was the kind of closeness that he almost had resigned himself to not having, afraid as he was that being involved this way with someone else, beyond the loyalty that Doumeki already had for him, would be limiting for his partner, trapped as he was in the shop.

And yet...

Yet. It was a warm kind of ache, the kind that enveloped him and warred with the strangeness of knowing that he, who probably didn't deserve this, was able to have something like this. He remembered what the apartment looked like when he entered, the pairs of slippers by the door, the book on the coffee table close to his pipe, and somehow.

Their older selves seemed comfortable and content. Happy.

A drop of hot liquid slid down his fingers to the corner of his mouth, and he pulled away his hand to look down at it. The drop tasted salty.]



drainedpaladin November 23 2010, 00:13:11 UTC
[he stood still while the boy touched the samue's sleeve, tracing the stitchwork and figuring out for himself that what Doumeki had said about its origins were true. he stood still, just watching the boy's face as he went through the realizations. everything about this place meant something, implied things about how they had been, how they lived - not even things as big or blatant as the shared bed. their things were scattered together, their lives intertwined in a way that didn't imply roommates. Doumeki had felt it from the moment he entered, knowing how he lived with his family, knowing how he interacted with Watanuki from that Island. he had felt it in his bones, and now he just stood still watching Watanuki come to the same realization.

anxiety tugged at him when Watanuki realized, as he watched the boy's eyes widen, his cheeks go red, and only mounted higher when the boy's hand connected with his mouth, hiding it, closing him off a little. he stood still, his head slightly down but eyes locked on Watanuki, not taking any action, waiting - for anger and shouting, for disgust, for fear, mounting his defenses in advance.

he hadn't expected a tear, hadn't expected Watanuki to simply say "oh" in a very small voice that way. he wavered slightly, his body shaking, then took a tentative step closer, his hand moving forward to touch the boy's shoulder, a slight brush of fingers]



successoroftime November 24 2010, 18:02:14 UTC
I'm -- fine.

[except he didn't sound entirely sure of himself, still caught in a half-daze, and he hunched forward, leaning close to Doumeki's touch after the initial moment of uncertainty (what did Doumeki think of this? why did his hand feel more gentle and almost hesitant?)

Watanuki rested his free hand on the edge of the kitchen counter for support. His hip bumped on the cold tile, and the blunt pain registered only distantly as his head was still caught in a swirl of thoughts.


He inhaled and released it quietly. He barely felt the air; his heart beating in his chest was far too present.]

Were we really...

[he trailed off. It was like approaching delicate and fragile, like a newborn chick that had just broken its shell. Watanuki looked up at Doumeki, felling a little too exposed, only to have his breath stolen away once again. The concern - the anxiety, that careful wavering, as if peeking out from a guarded moment - was apparent in the other's usually calm features.

For a moment, Watanuki forgot himself, drawn in by the rare look of openness. In that moment, it seemed like the most precious thing in the world. Something he might not see for a very long time.]


drainedpaladin November 25 2010, 11:19:02 UTC
[the boy said he was fine, but it didn't sound like he was quite sure of it. Doumeki knew it wasn't entirely fine when Watanuki leaned toward his touch, the slight momentum of his body pressing the palm of Doumeki's hand flat against his shoulder. he shifted his arm, curled fingers around Watanuki's thin shoulder, and gave a soft squeeze - solidarity, a best friend trying to offer comfort.

a best friend who couldn't breathe quite properly, whose head felt a bit strange with the shock setting in. the denied hope. he'd hoped so many times on that island, and only been hurt for it - a night by a beach in the moonlight after watching him die and come back, and they'd almost - the tension had been there, but... - he cut off that train of thought. what came after was far too painful, and there were only more painful things to think of after that. the taste of blood, snow outside, a dance...

still, when Watanuki asked if they were really...something...he felt the surge of hope again, and for a moment it showed on his face - an expression of sheer longing, tinged with loneliness, just for a moment before he closed his eyes and inclined his head slightly downward - a practiced movement to hide the things that may show, and spoke in a quiet voice when he felt he could]

It seems we were sharing a bed. What it means, I don't know.

[not entirely true, as he had a very strong feeling about what they were to each other here, before returning the way they were. some part of him wanted to be that other Doumeki - but he had no option to do that, it was a frivolous thought that passed by in a moment. he only had here, and now, and he would do what he could to make the best of it]

Do you need to sit down?


successoroftime November 25 2010, 17:51:32 UTC
[Doumeki's features shifted slightly: it was the look in his eyes, the different way the corners of his mouth creased, the sadness and the want. Watanuki's eyes widened, even as he watched Doumeki bow his head, as if he felt uneasy. His lips were parted behind his shaking hand as he listened to Doumeki's confirmation of uncertainty.

Watanuki's chest tightened. Doumeki's expression and the answer that followed -- Watanuki looked down at the floor instead, unable to explain to himself why something felt off about that, why his face still felt heated and why he felt caught in the moment between freezing and moving, the need to know and the despairing knowledge that if his guess was true, he didn't know how he'd react or what he'd do with it. Didn't know how Doumeki would take his reaction, nor what he'd do with himself if he drove Doumeki away because of it.

Even if it might be safer for Doumeki, so felt the part of him that still worried about if he'd made the right decision in openly welcoming Doumeki's choice. Watanuki swallowed. Ultimately, there was no right or wrong answer -- only relative possibility that relied on personal value.

He shook his head in response to Doumeki's question, uncertain if he could move. The other's hand on his shoulder felt all the more fragile, a tenuous balance between staying and running.]

I'll be fine. [Watanuki let his hand fall, and he grasped his elbow, not noticing how his shoulders hunched forward a little. He felt rather small at the moment, though he couldn't allow himself to completely fall silent on himself. Not now.] You?


drainedpaladin November 28 2010, 02:35:21 UTC
[there was something about the way Watanuki reacted, the tilt of his head, the movement of his eyes, the way his hand shook, and his head tilted toward the floor with his face still made him feel like he'd missed something. he couldn't place what the response was, but it wasn't relief, not relief at having it confirmed that they didn't have to be something mre than friends to each other in this future, in this place. it looked like disappointment, and Doumeki stood still for a few moments, looking at the boy while he shook his head, and left his hand on his shoulder, and kind of vaguely thought that Watanuki looked disappointed, in a sort of detached way.

it took him several moments to catch up to himself, to build up the fortitude to start wondering what Watanuki might be disappointed about - there were too many things, too many possibilities, and he didn't know which direction to go in. he'd learned the hard way not to take the best route, too many times, even before Salkia, and taking the worst was an emotional struggle he didn't feel up to at the moment, so he let it stop there. with possibilities.

Doumeki took a deep breath, and closed his eyes for a moment, then opened them, letting his hand continue to rest on Watanuki's thin, hunched shoulder.

when he was directly asked a question, he had a hard time responding. words had never come easily, and words with meaning came almost impossibly, so it was difficult to even force air through his vocal cords, to will himself to speak. when he did, it was low, very quiet, a bit rough, as if he hadn't spoken in a long time]

I'm confused.

[in the tone of an admission - something he didn't want to say, but couldn't avoid speaking]


successoroftime November 28 2010, 05:15:47 UTC
[it wasn't quite disappointment but a general feeling of loss. Doumeki's words put it into perspective, really -- it was confusing for Watanuki as well, not because this was already a situation that he hadn't imagined that turned out this way, but because something was missing and he couldn't pin it down.

Watanuki gently rubbed his fingers on his elbow, taking a soft breath before looking up at Doumeki, his body language easing. Doumeki's admission somehow took away the burden of not knowing about what kind of not knowing they had, a different kind of question from having to pinpoint what Watanuki felt was missing, and it diffused the tension.

Just a little.]

About which part?


drainedpaladin November 28 2010, 05:23:15 UTC
[how could he explain that part? how could he summarize everything he'd been thinking of when he already knew he couldn't say most of it after his attempt for the Christmas party, and when he couldn't force himself to verbalize the things he felt safer saying? it was too much, it was frightening, and though Doumeki wasn't a coward, he was dealing with something intensely important in this situation.

still, Watanuki settled a little when he'd admitted he was confused, and was looking at him again. he swallowed hard, and forced himself to keep looking at Watanuki, his hand sliding from the boy's shoulder for the moment and hanging at his side. he resisted the urge to curl it against his belly in a defensive move]

Most of it. This isn't what I was expecting to find.


successoroftime November 28 2010, 05:30:36 UTC
[the hand on his shoulder was withdrawn, and Watanuki blinked in surprise, glancing at his shoulder, wondering that it felt too light, and held his elbow in a tighter grip.

The cooling of his skin and the lack of weight only added to the sense of loss. He tipped his head to the side and shifted his gaze on the floor again.

What was Doumeki thinking right now? Even if he got to know more about the other teen, it still felt like there was so much he couldn't tell.]

You, too? Even if you already said that living in the same place was something you had in mind.


drainedpaladin November 28 2010, 05:34:50 UTC
[he'd outed himself, in a way - and he wondered if some part of it was subconsciously purposeful. he hunched his shoulders a bit, feeling suddenly a bit exposed. it was the reason he tended to be quiet, to mask the things he was feeling or thinking - he didn't like this feeling]

Living in the same place is one thing, but...sharing a bed...

[he caught his breath, looking at Watanuki again for a moment, cautious but with that slight look of longing on his face. just for a moment before he masked it, hid it, glanced downward, his hair long enough to cover his face]


successoroftime November 28 2010, 05:53:43 UTC
Un. It's a big change, isn't it. I wonder...

[For once, he was able to resist having his mouth run off again, and the feeling of holding a delicate glass sculpture returned. Maybe it was in the form of a small, transparent bird, and he could feel the warmth from the fire it sealed within through the glass.

It was still a small flame. Watanuki closed his eyes for a moment, imagining himself holding that item, seeing the gold and blue lights reflect off the surface.

He had to be careful not to drop it, because if he did the fire inside wouldn't be able to be as strong as it can be.]

I wonder what our older selves thought. Still, I think they were happy, right?

[the smile on his lips turned dry.] I already knew that things wouldn't be easy. That's why I couldn't imagine something as close as this.


drainedpaladin November 28 2010, 06:06:17 UTC
[Watanuki was being relatively queit, considering the topic of discussion at hand. he felt strangely tentative, all of a sudden, as if he was treading on dangerous ground with Watanuki, like there was a chance that things would be ruined if the wrong words were said. he wanted to be honest, he wanted to speak his mind, but there was that fear that if he did that, it would scare the boy away, or worse - Watanuki still wouldn't notice, still wouldn't realize, like at Christmas. that he wasn't looking at Doumeki that way, even if Doumeki was doing his best to show what he felt.

Watanuki not noticing was almost more upsetting than Watanuki rejecting him. that was why Christmas had been so painful - because Watanuki hadn't even realized what Doumeki had been getting at, and that meant the wait was longer than Doumeki could have anticipated. time stretched out in front of him - four years was more than the time he'd known Watanuki already, and it was so much, how much more would he lose before he got what he needed in return?

he exhaled shakily and frowned slightly, glancing to the side]

It's closer than I expected you'd want me.


successoroftime November 28 2010, 06:15:11 UTC
[those words made him self-conscious. Watanuki knew that he was to blame for that; he did tend to behave badly, and other people disagreed with how he judged things if he cared for the other party involved and there was only so much he could to to help.]

Where you'd want to be is up to you, isn't it? [his lips curved in a self-depreciating smile.] We had already talked about this before, about you staying.


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