
Oct 05, 2010 11:51

Who: Ulquiorra [cero_oscuras ] and OPEN
When: Last Night!
Where: Sector 5 ( if you'd rather a different location just specify when you post! ).
Summary: Ulquiorra's out after the sirens. So for anyone who wanted to do a night time run in, while the Espada is 'working/eating'. Here's your chance.
Warnings: Monsters! Blood! Ulquiorra's less than pleasant attitude.

In the middle of the night ~ )

heat, ulquiorra cifer

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/drops into this log, sorry for TL;DR foretells October 5 2010, 20:09:52 UTC
October 4th wasn't the best day for the SEES members. Considering what had happened last year, they all had been on edge. With Shinjiro and Ken out, and fully knowing that she couldn't stop anything that could happen between them, Minako went out on her own while Mitsuru stayed at home with Roland and Akihiko. It wasn't her place to make decisions here, especially when technically, she wasn't their leader. Minato had been there the last time. Now... Now, things were different ( ... )


wooo-hooo! cero_oscuras October 6 2010, 02:12:50 UTC
The mutations that gathered in section five seemed to be more than usual. Perhaps it was just that they were grouped in mass with in the few streets around Minako. Suffice to say the young woman was not without a target while her play list continued from one song to next.

In the darkness, not to far away Ulquiorra was cutting his way through creature after creature. These human like forms were hardly a challenge, but over the last few nights of farming their numbers down. It seemed the darkness finally started to counter act by increasing the sheer number of the things.

Each slice of his blade, Murciélago threw more blood and fleshy bits along the building and streets around him. His precise strikes and blows ensured that not a speck of gore ended up staining his pristine uniform. When Ulquiorra had cleared a path for him to walk through and into one of the many cross roads he paused in the center and waited for the creatures to descend upon him.


foretells October 6 2010, 02:45:37 UTC
She only hoped Shinjiro and Ken were back home already and not stuck out there as well. She had enough on her mind and she could only hope that Ken wouldn't ( ... )


cero_oscuras October 6 2010, 06:12:44 UTC
Not to far away the two creatures that had fled from Minako had joined the growing horde that had begun to close in around him. Ulquiorra seemed to be content to wait as they limped and clawed forward inch by inch. The few that managed to reach him, would have found fingers and hands cut away. The few that managed to catch hold of his uniform lost their arms within seconds. Most of them screamed out in pain, their cries were not to unlike hollows. It wasn't surprising, the creatures were formed from the souls lost during the core meltdown of long ago.

The creatures were close enough, but hardly quick enough to catch the Espada. Just as the crowd was falling upon him, Ulquiorra shifted forward at speeds unmatched by mere humans. The creatures around him exploded outward as he attacked and most where dispatched within the first second of his attack. He could feel the spiritual signature that belonged to Minako, but for now the Espada had a crowd of growing creatures to deal with.


foretells October 6 2010, 14:22:25 UTC
Why they would even run away when she could catch her was beyond her, at first, but as she neared the second fray... Well, that all became clear.

Whoever he was, he was fast. She didn't catch a good look at him from where she stood, considering he was swarmed with enemies and moving far too fast to really be seen so well amongst the creatures. Blood and carnage littered the scene; he'd been fighting for a while. The temptation to strike one of the closer ones with her naginata was there, but that might just expose her to the man's swift attacks.

Instead, she focused and called out to another Persona, one she knew could help here. He may have had it under control on his own, but she wasn't one to stand and stare at such a scene. She needed to help somehow. The gun came back out and she pressed it to her head, pulling the trigger once more to allow out the very avatar of Death, Thanatos. He towered over her, riddled with coffins behind him, and he practically shrieked at the scent of blood in the air. He lunged past her, blade at the ( ... )


cero_oscuras October 7 2010, 02:17:50 UTC
The arrival of Thanatos caused him to pause mid strike, leaving the creatures in front of him writhing as his blade stopped half way through their bodies. The creature was unlike anything he had come across before, and he couldn't quite explain the energy he was feeling from it as well.

His moments paused allowed the other mutations standing around him the chance to latch hold of his uniform tails and edges. The Espada made a rough sound as he pulled away from their reach and shot himself up into the air. He very well couldn't fire a cero down into the crowded streets. It would devastate the surrounding area and he doubted that kind of collateral damage would go over well in the city.

With renewed focus, the Espada turned himself down towards the floor and returned to the fight.


foretells October 7 2010, 02:38:04 UTC
While Thanatos had a handle on the creatures there, Minako moved in turn to take care of any others that were deciding that she was an available target. She wasn't as strong as either her Persona or Ulquiorra, but she was going to fight with everything she had. The naginata came down, blade first, into the head of one of the creatures, stepping back as it spewed blood across the pavement. Disgusting. She missed the Shadows; they didn't bleed.

She whipped around and blocked an attack with the side of her weapon, throwing the monster off and into the rest of the fray just as Thanatos returned for a second strike, passing its master and leaping at her enemies. Its blade sliced through them without a care, to the point where she actually needed to call him back. She didn't want the other man to get hurt.

Minako lost sight of him briefly, but then saw him again in the air, dropping back down into the thick of it. She could feel his power as it rippled in the air and she turned to watch only briefly as he dealt with his enemies. What was


cero_oscuras October 7 2010, 07:43:39 UTC
It was probably for the better that Minako lost site of the Espada. Though the fight was hardly a challenge, Ulquiorra had neglected to feed himself. Ulquiorra's senses were running wild with the smell of blood, the hollow in him had been denied a good meal for quite a while. Prior to his visit he had expelled all of his energy in his battle against Ichigo. He had died. Why he was thinking about that at this time, was beyond him - perhaps it was a consequence of his hunger ( ... )


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