am i more than you bargained for yet?

Sep 24, 2010 23:42

who: paintsablierred and break_xerxes
when: After this.
where: Sparks Casino and Hotel, room number 7 lmfao
summary: In which Pandora Hearts characters show their amazing and highly-used ability to use each other effectively.
warnings: Uh, Lottie is a warning in itself.

To use and be used.

First was Vincent Nightray; now, Xerxes Break. Both Pandora agents.

How ironic, that they would still be finding an alliance with a Baskerville of all people. Ah, but then she supposed that one's own goals are far more in priority than their loyalty to an organization. Of course, it didn't really matter to her so long as their goals were accomplished. There were more important things at hand and being picky with people she could take advantage of wouldn't help her cause. It was mutual benefit anyway, both winners until one of them decides to play snake. A risk she'd always known.

Her Baskerville cloak left back at the apartment - she didn't think the clown would appreciate lack of discretion, given his status, though she's not really one to care - Lottie turned the key into the knob and let herself in despite not really wanting to be in this person's presence. She disliked him as much as she disliked Vincent when it comes to invasion of privacy.

"All right, I'm here," she called out flatly, locking the door behind her. Just in case someone decides to barge in and start subduing her for the crime of mass murder. "Come out, come out wherever you are, clown~"

xerxes break, lottie baskerville

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