Open | An Idea That Is Not Dangerous Is Unworthy Of Being Called An Idea At All.

Sep 18, 2010 21:41

Who: Xerxes Break break_xerxes and You?!
When: Just before the darkness siren and during.
Where: Sparks Casino then outside.
Summary: Gambling in the casino to raise money (Cheating of course) then Break feels the need to test his luck back outside in the darkness with those monsters after plotting a plan with Mad Hatter.
Warnings: Cheating death, monsters and curious minds! idek

*Seeing as its an open post, feel free to tag as someone stumbling into Break thinking he's been attacked/is a monster/ attacking him! or as someone inside the casino.

It had not been long, since Break left Gilbert's room, the door was never touched as Break had no need for such things, when traveling through shadows was still an easy means of transport for the man. Placing his beloved hat upon his head, tapping the top to fit it snug into the crown of that immaculate pallas head of his, the long trail of fabric, all tattered and torn at its tails, fluttered behind like some kind of symbolic wave goodbye to the apartment block he'd just stole away from.

Break was out to cause some mischief, to learn what night time had to offer other then the nightmares of death and toil it had brought his thus far.

The sun was low, almost kissing the ground in the west goodnight while the ever daunting night fell near. Those sirens would be singing soon, calling forth the beasts, lost souls and damnation Break was all to familiar with. It was in his flight to discover new grounds, that Break did happen to stumbled upon a neon glowing wonderland. Never before had his eye witnessed such a sight as this. The sound of chips being flipped over tables, wheels whirling fast like over sized spinning tops and dice being rattled like the tails of such deadly snake. It was no wonder it was more appealing to the man than waiting out the darkness else where. After all ... despite the mass of people crowded in their flocks, a casino is a very lonely place. The perfect place to blend into the background.

So, it didn't take Break long to work out where exactly it was the big money was at, those people around the roulette tables were walking away with pocketfuls of chips. Break needed to work his magic and win himself some of that money if he was to live comfortably in this place, after all ... there was no way he was going to get a job.

His single claret eye watched with a wanton need to win, it happened to be that each time he guessed, he was practically always correct. So, with this in mind, Break stepped up to the table. Gloved hands pressed onto the green as he handed a few notes at the dealer, Gilbert's money of course, but Break was in no way unsure, he was positive he'd win Gilbert his wages back, and then some. " Ah la la~ all on red ... number two." he spoke with a certain chill to his tone, expression stoic for the time being. Turning his back on the table as the sound of that small ball bouncing around for a moment before the whirling stopped. The dealer called it. Red, two. and a few people applauded the new comer to the table.

Some time had passed since Break first stood there and made his beat, each time he did it was red, there was some he stood out because he thought they would be black, most of the time this was right, but then a few people started to stare, to whisper and suggest. Suggest that the Clown was a cheat. With Break's eye sight fleeting him so, his other senses were on top form, his ears especially! So as more and more of the gamers reasoned Break was a fake, a cheat and a phony, he decided to retire from the tables for the night.

It was then, as he was retreating back to the hotel side of the casino to spend the night in a five star room (Simply to make Gilbert worry about where he was, rather than go home.) that he was followed.

The looming figure stayed behind Break for some time as he took a detour simply to shake the stranger off so that they couldn't possibly see where he was going to be sleeping, there was nothing more off putting than having some creep stalk outside of your room for whatever reason. Though Break was not a people person in the slightest, so there was only so much he could stand before turning around, frown knitted deep in his brow to face the stranger. " Can I help you?" Grunted the Clown, as the stranger before him beckoned Break to follow. With the promise of more money then he could have ever hoped to win in the casino .... and for what price? A simply game ... one gun, five blanks, one bullet and two players.

Break came forth from the shadows of the room he'd been playing such a dangerous game in and stepped straight out into the streets. The darkened streets that held no sound to them other than moans of pain and sorrow, screams of terror and the occasional rustle of whatever it was that lurked in the shadows. He looked different, there was an ash mark right bang in the middle of his forehead, blood splattered here and there across his face and hands, matted into his hair and on the end of the gun he was carrying in a loose grip.

Letting the weapon fall to the ground and coming to a halt Break held his chest before letting out such a blood curdling cry. Mad Hatter in full form blended into form from out for the building. It was not Break's blood he was covered in, it was the monsters that had devoured his new gambling mates. With his winnings in pocket, Break decided the best way to slip through the Darkness .... was to pull off the biggest prank of his time here yet.

To convince the monsters he was on of them. To strengthen his chain by letting it feast on the dead, there was no guilt in his mind, the beasts of the darkness had taken their lives, Hatter was just cleaning up after him, and for a moment there, Break felt like he hadn't felt for over one hundred years. Like his old self.

walter c. dornez, xerxes break

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