Coca Cola came to town, Pepsi Cola shot him down

Sep 05, 2010 11:37

Who: heavenly_earth, axemeaquestion
When: Backdated to yesterday afternoon, September 4th
Where: Sector 5ish
Summary: Rochelle's getting help with her powers.
Warnings: nope.avi

Okay, okay, oh god. Maybe this was a bad idea.

She could still walk, but holy hell did it hurt. The doctors were telling her she was just lucky she fractured one rib, as opposed to the worst things that could happen. That didn't mean it didn't HURT. At least with her ribs binded and her pain meds, it was bearable and she could make herself go outside.

But eventually, she was making her way toward that address Neji had given her. Even with her job, she hadn't been here yet. So this was new to her, though not entirely what she was focusing on. Soon enough she found her way to their designated meeting place, though.


rochelle, hyuuga neji

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