[closed] I want to change the world

Aug 07, 2010 18:14

Who: Yosuke Hanamura and Tohru Adachi.
When: After this conversation. August 7th.
Where: Grayson Apple Orchards.
Summary: Yosuke decides to talk to Adachi alone about what happened to Souji and Rise.
Warnings: A killer messing with a teenager's head.

Yosuke let his mind wander as soon as he got on the train. He couldn't let Kanji go with him, because if he let his kohai on the same thought-process as him, it would just fall apart. There would be screaming and threat; nothing would be found out. He decided to have it be far from where he actually lived so that he wouldn't worry those he lived with. So that they couldn't get involved any more than they might already be. This was something that might very well be his fault, because he wanted to believe that Adachi came from another world. Because he wanted to believe that what he saw that night was an innocent man rather than a killer. But if he was wrong, if he caused his friends' deaths, then he was willing to deal with that, too.

Don't think like that. Stop it. His head gave a violent shake. It was that sort of thinking that murdered an innocent man. No, there's still time to save Namatame. I just, I just have to go back to Inaba to do it. He continued to twist his hands -- barely aware when he got off the train, when he went to sit down somewhere close to the entrance. It was strange to feel so empty when he was aware of what had happened to the two. He should tell Kanji. He really should. Souji ... he was really upset with me for taking Adachi-san's side, wasn't he? Is that how things between us had to end? Is that why I'm doing this now ... so that I can get revenge? No, that's not. His thinking was a little on the troubled side as he kept repeating why he was meeting with Adachi alone. Kanji would freak out. His friends didn't need to be involved in his troubles from Inaba.

That is it. This is to get the truth.

yosuke hanamura, tohru adachi

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