Tea time with Brooke at the musical store, round 2

Jul 26, 2010 05:12

Who: Brooke and You
When: Sunday Afternoon... I'm a little late >_>
Where: Brooke's Musical Emporium
Summary: For those who would like chatting up Brooke at his musical store/tea corner, and for a specific duel in the back of Brooke's store with Mitsuru Kirijo.
Warnings: Mild, maybe some sword fighting, and Brooke being Brooke.

Brooke gently polished a tuba, carefully making sure that he did not miss any spots on the fine instrument.  He had two foils in his backroom waiting for his duel today, which he suspected he might win, but let his new friend have the sword regardless.  He wasn't sure when she was going to arrive today though and was hoping that he might have time to have some tea with a few friends before she arrived.  He placed the brass instrument on the wall next to the other freshly polished instruments and began to sigh slightly.  He said out loud to the empty store, (or to anyone who might be entering the store while his back was turned to it) "I wonder if she's still mad about that whole panties thing..."

†: brooke, mitsuru kirijo, tohru adachi

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