Eighth Frost -- Video

Apr 02, 2011 14:28

[He's in front of his house, and if you look out the corner of the feed, you might notice rotten tomatoes splattering against what appears to be nothing and dropping to the ground. The occasional roll of toilet paper bounces off, too. Yeah, he's got kidou shields up around his house now. He doesn't usually, but this is a . . . special occasion.]

I don't suppose anybody's made any progress on a cure for this yet? [If he sounds somewhat cranky, it's because he tried and failed to sleep all that much this morning because of all the "festivities" going on in the neighbourhood. Damn Sector 5 fairgrounds. Damn Joker. Damn everyone afflicted with this madness.]

c: kuchiki byakuya, c: luppi antenor, !: hitsugaya toushirou, c: tenten, c: franziska von karma, †: seth nightroad, c: kazuma ikezawa

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