
Mar 29, 2011 22:23

[Someone's looking better. She's put on weight, and looks like she's actually begun filling out back to her previous weight. Her face isn't nearly as hollow, even if she's got a ways to go.

Currently, she's sitting, stitching something in her hands. She barely looks up at the camera, even though she seems to know it was on.]

So, the Core.

I mean, it's gotta be doing something screwy right? For over a year, it deposited people at the ball diamond and now it's just yanking them away.

I'm not real sure what's going on, but there's gotta be something different about it, right? I'll admit, this is where I usually look at the geniuses I know and tell 'em to fix it. But then, I might be a bit of a spoiled brat.

[That? That would be a weak smile flashed at the screen. Considering she's sitting there in a tank top and shorts, she looks like she's comfortable at least. If not exactly emotionally stable.]

I was wondering, though, if anyone knows of a bike for sale. I need a motorcycle. Wandering around the city on foot's okay and all, but I miss having a bike to ride. I'm hoping for a Harley or a Triumph, but I'm not too picky, as long as it's working.

Oh, and one other thing: Anyone know of an actual club that isn't AGI? I mean, I love Sam's place, but I really kinda need a place to get my dance on, ya know?

[Another weak smile and she cuts the feed.]

c: magneto, †: kyon, !: jubilee, c: raven

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