Monday; March 7, 2011
Temperatures remain similar, with light sprinkling showers in the morning giving way to weak sunshine and light winds in the afternoon and evening. Temperatures drop below zero at night. High of 5°C and a low of -2°C (41°F/28°F).
Current Moon Phase: Waxing Crescent
Morning sirens will go off at 7:00 am, and evening sirens will go off at 6:00 pm.
Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, and the landlord has given three days (until March 10) to leave the apartments.
Anna Milton
Other Notes
- The Lux is now under new management and is currently undergoing construction to give it a slightly new look. The new owner claims the club will remain true to its roots without being too pretentious about it. Currently, there are job openings for bartenders, servers, and dessert chefs. Auditions for performers of all types will be open to the public every night until the grand re-opening on March 31. For more information, please contact the new owner
- There is a short article in the food section of the newsfeed about a recent upsurge in the number of ethnically-aimed food carts along the subway line and close to major transit stops. Many food vendors have noticed the high number of Newcomers using the transit system and have incorporated more Japanese, British, and other foods specific to countries with high concentrations among Newcomers. These join the already American and Canadian types of food carts that have sprung up at transit locations since the system's creation decades ago. The article reviews the fares of these carts as "passable - the fast food versions of the delightful country-specific cuisine they're meant to represent."
News Notification Thread]