Mar 05, 2011 18:16
[ And the NV turns on with Ella sitting at the kitchen table in her home, looking thoughtful. She'd been busy. She's sent out a bunch of messages, finished some other errands, and now ... well the mischievous glint in her eyes probably doesn't bode well for a certain roomie. After filtering this post away from his suspicious eyes, she addresses the network. ]
So. I need a little help here. What's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the word, "Lair"?
[ She knew what she thought of, but that was hardly the point of the exercise. ]
c: rochelle,
c: tyrell,
!: ella,
c: jinx,
c: hope estheim,
c: raven,
†: robert cross,
c: hellmaster phibrizzo