
Mar 05, 2011 13:36

[After all that's been going on for the past several days - and with the issue with Rin yesterday - Minako's been thoughtful. March 5th, a year ago, was graduation day. Today, this week, she'd be graduating high school and celebrating with her friends if she had... Well. She's not disappointed; she's not even really sad about what happened to her. Instead, she's just melancholy that she's away from her other friends besides Shinjiro. It doesn't seem fair that she's supposed to be looking out for them and she can't since she's here.

When she speaks, her voice is subdued and definitely not its usual timbre of pep. She's not at work today, either. She's sitting in the park, bundled up, twirling the ends of Ryoji's scarf in her hands.]

...What do you think's happening outside of this island? What do you think is going on the world? I've been sort of curious. We're so wrapped up in what goes on here that we don't really think about-

[She quiets down, looking up at the sky.]

Do you think everything's okay?

†: minako arisato, c: asano rin, c: naruto uzumaki, c: nara shikamaru, †: robert cross, c: walter c. dornez, c: heiwajima shizuo

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