
Mar 04, 2011 18:43

Well, I was hired- haha, 'again.' [Her and her multiple jobs.] It's a more steady sort of thing, too, so I might get rid of a few odd jobs. I'll have to reshape my schedule again, but there's nothing really wrong with that...

[She seems pleased, in fact. Her necktie is extra straight, as are her pigtails.]

I'll have to work my way up, since I'm only an assistant for now. I think it'll be pretty easy to manage, though. It's translation work, and I'm fine with that sort of thing. Even if desk work isn't really what I'm cut out for, something like that's manageable. It'll be useful, too, at the very least - even if working with my native language is a piece of cake, I don't want my others to get rusty. And maybe I'll pick up some others along the way.

I guess it's a little strange, since we all hit English upon coming here, but even this city needs texts and stuff translated, you know? Um, my hours shouldn't be very late, of course- it's at a University, though, so if I end up having to spend nights there in the office sometimes, that's doable... [It's because she's an overachiever, and would want to get the entire assignment done in one go.]

It's not a bad pick-me-up, though.

!: triela, c: aoyagi ritsuka

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