REPORT IV ∵ [ Video ]

Feb 27, 2011 20:55

So dark it has been of late. It is hard to find in my memory a winter more harsh, not just for the weather but for the weight it has placed and continues to place on the shoulders of all those held in this place.

[ Quite philosophical this evening, though when is he not. Xehanort, after such a long, long absence, is finally visible on the network once more, seated at a desk in his study. The desk itself is piled quite high with papers, books, a few oddly-shaped metal instruments, the journal he received at Christmas time from Edgeworth, and a star-like fruit preserved in a small glass box. As for the man himself, he appears, if one looks close enough, a tad weary.

Someone has been pulling a great many late nights. ] Death, zealotry, civil unrest, a few incidents that I still find a little difficult to explain...

It may be that I should be thankful that I was spared experiencing them. [ A trademark bland smile. ] Though the chill continues to plague me. Best to remain in my self-imposed hermitage than to venture out in what must be arctic conditions.

I must apologize, Dr. Yumeno. I have been unable to visit the clinic for quite some time.

[ After a second's though, he decides that is all and moves to end the feed, then pauses, considers for a moment, and adds: ] Vanitas. I received a call from your place of education.

An explanation is in order.

c: xigbar, !: master xehanort, c: vanitas

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