#07 -- Video

Feb 20, 2011 23:06

[Yoruichi hadn't quite been home yet when the blasts hit. She's close enough to have some debris blast over her, but quick enough to ride the shockwave with shunpo and avoid injury. And honestly, she's got little doubt as to what's just happened.]

[The feed opens to her looking rather dirty, but not obviously hurt, though she expects people to assume otherwise.] Before anybody thinks to ask from seeing this: no. I'm not hurt.

What's the extent of the damage, as far as anyone knows? [She does mean both people and property, even if it doesn't exactly sound like it.]

Kisuke. You and everything intact?

[Operating on the assumption that she knew beforehand that something like this was in the works.]

Okay, who was the genius in charge of the explosives? [A pissed off face and a voice thick with sarcasm? What're those?]

c: urahara kisuke, †: kurotsuchi mayuri, !: shihouin yoruichi

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