Feb 17, 2011 21:51

( (avengers filter: Yuki Nagato, Robin, Usopp, Jubilee, Samus Aran, Trauma, Claudio Kilgannon, Peter Petrelli, Katara, Randel Oland, Jack Kelly, and Johnny Sfondi )

I need to know the extent of your fighting abilities and powers.

Let me know a time that you're free and can come down to HQ so you can show me.

[ she doesn't expect replies from Trauma or Claudio yet but... ugh. ]

( /filter )

( filter: sherlock holmes )

You know, I don't even care about what happened. But I can trust that you can keep a secret, right?

[ she's not even mad at him. she just feels like.. getting bitchy at someone. ]

( /filter )

[ the camera's angled so that you can't see her face, only her mouth which is... very tight and gritted. her voice is low, dangerous and she's obviously pissed off. even if she's trying to.. keep from sounding that way. ]

I need a sparring partner. Someone to fight with.

I don't want someone who can't take a hit or buckles under the first punch. If you think you can fight a bear, then consider replying.

!: jennifer walters, c: shihouin yoruichi, c: usopp, c: raven, c: heiwajima shizuo

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