[ Video ]

Feb 17, 2011 19:48

[ The video comes on, catching Amalthea in the middle of saying something. ]

--t follow me. I will not risk you injury again. [ A dainty pause, and she turns, barefoot as ever, to pad along mans road. Bloodstain on dress? What bloodstain on dress - dirt and grossness has no place on a unicorn. ]

...That one, and myself - we wish to convey our snicere gratitude to you, Lord Jormungandr, for your assistance of a few days ago. It seems we are once again, in debted to you. [ She doesn't mind it. It's not like he's human or anything. ]

There was another of this place, who extended the offer of nourishment for my companion. We think it ...prudent to accept your offer. He cannot survive off of berries and nuts for long, as I can. I of course speak of the one who smells of lightning, Michael Xavier by name. I - [ She stops short when she passes by a television store, her interest caught by the sight of colorful things held in a tiny box. It is when she pauses that someone that had been eyeing her for a while, approaches. ]

"Hey sweet thing."

[ She ignores him. ]

"Pretty pretty~ o/~"

[ She continues to ignore him. ]

"Hey my silver haired sweetheart, I'm talking to you!"

[ This time, when the speaker steps forward to put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention, she turns to look at him. Only it's more of a 100 mile stare than a look. She doesn't say a word, but after a few minutes of indifferent staring, she turns away again. Affronted, Romeo makes a PFF noise and steps back. ]

"Fine, I didn't want to talk to you anyway. Fatty."

[ And off he goes to join his friends. Amalthea doesn't move again until he's well out of sight and hearing. Perplexed, her murmur is more to herself than the NV. ]

... I... am fat...?

[ D: D: D: D:]

†: malik a-sayf, c: the joker, c: magneto, !: amalthea-unicorn, c: veser amaker hatch, c: replica riku, c: liquid snake, c: castiel, †: naminé

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