(no subject)

Feb 15, 2011 17:49

[The video clicks on to show the Imp curled in a mostly dark room of the Uzushio Ryokan & Onsen. She yawns and gives her tiny face a bit of a rub, clearly someone just woke up. She yawns and then starts to speak.]

Did everyone have a good day?

[The smile on her face spreads from ear to ear, so at the very least it's obvious that she did. Though sleeping all day and ignoring the NV system has left Midna a bit behind on current events.]

Gabu, I got your cookies but did not have time to thank you. I am going to come by and drop off your gift. I am sure you will make good use of them in the future.

[She rolls onto her back, the nv shifts accordingly to follow her face as she changes positions.]

Vaaaaan ~ I will be leaving once the sun goes down. Did you want to go to dinner together since I am off? You can tell me how your Valentine's was? Let me know!

[The NV clicks off when Midna's done and hours later after the sun has gone down and she's transformed back into her normal form Midna's NV begins to broadcast again. She's returned home to find a rather empty apartment. She looks worried. Of course, now that she is had time to check through the NV system and learn about the recent murders, the killer, and the missing person reports she cannot help it.]

Has anyone seen Van? Black hair, so tall [She makes a motion with her hand as she speaks], and sprouts pretty white wings every once in a while?

I am pretty sure he did not come back here last night.

(OOC: So I don't go crazy in your subject reply Morning or Evening so I know which time of day it is your character is talking to Midna. Considering a lot of stuff happens between the time of her post in the afternoon to the one she makes in the evening! Thanks guys!)

†: gabu, c: peter petrelli, !: midna

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