Thirteenth Power - Video

Feb 14, 2011 23:07

[Backdated to the Afternoon of the 14th.]

[After a strange call from Trauma and a missed call to Jinx the next day, things had been a mess. He had gone to the police with images off the call and had to Identify his best friends body.]

[Now he's seated at a Police Station, half out of it, upset looking and a little pale. He's been here for hours and hours. He had meant to punch up Jinx's number again but instead accidentally pulled up the Network instead. Video started up:]

[Worn out he starts to talk with a bit of a broken tone in his voice] J-Jinx... [He cleared his throat, looking at the video with farrowed dark brows]

I need... you to call me back already. I... look I don't know what's happening but... shit. I'll be at the police station for a bit longer. They want to ask a few more questions but... but get back to me when you can, alright? It's important. It's about Trauma...

[He turned it off, not noticing that it was a network post till later. Feel free to reply. He'll comment back while he can.]

!: claudio kilgannon, c: raven

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