Thursday; March 11, 2010
The weather for today will be sunny. No showers. High of 14°C and a low of 4°C (57°F/39°F).
Eviction Notices
Vandalism On the Rise
There's not a lot of pressing issues in the news today, no bank jobs, big fires, or major crime. The report today is covering a general level of heightened crime in the City.
The reporter is the same one who earlier predicted that crime would be on the rise with the arrival of the newcomers, and is now smugly stating that his prediction was correct. The reporter gives examples of this rise in crime - a higher rate of theft in the fourth sector, general graffitti, and several unexplained murders. The report for the day focuses on a spate of vandalism that occurred last night. Mail boxes were found in the morning, littering the streets after being bashed in with what most assume to be a bat or a board, most of them broken clean off their posts. Witnesses have yet to come forward to give any report on the mess of mail boxes. Most of the vandalism victims have just picked up and reattached the boxes, moving on with their lives. Other victims appear to be attempting to correct the problem by posting a new mail bx closer to the door and not at street level, ensuring a more difficult target for further acts of vandalism.
Classified Ads
Film Equipment for Sale: I'm an ex-film student who's lost feeling and function in both arms. Need money and unable to use filming equipment. Equipment is high tech. Looking for a good price. Call, don't text, Berry Shouten.
NV Repair Man: Corrupted files? Viruses? Need an update or just a clean up? Contact ENVY REPAIR for all your service needs. ENVY REPAIR can be found in the Second Sector near South Hound and Jackson. Contact for hours. Special repairs are A-OKAY with us.