003 [video]

Feb 11, 2011 21:18

[The camera first appears focused on an oven mitt. Then Raven adjusts the NV with one hand. In her other hand, she's holding a plate with a waffle on it. She twiddles some settings on the NV.]

Guess what, everyone. This is for the public record. Robin is late.

[A small smile. It must be the waffles that have placed her in a good mood.]

Late for a waffle date. What do I hear every time we go patrolling or fighting Darkness monsters? "You're late." No, I'm always half an hour early--but guess who's now officially, literally, twenty-four minutes and... thirty-six seconds late?

Seriously, Robin, hurry up. I'm not going to wait for you much longer, and neither are the waffles. I went to all the trouble of making a syrup slingshot, too. [She points to a device which is, indeed, a slingshot with a small measuring cup.] It's decorated with your favorite.

[Apparently Robin's 'favorite' is a picture of Rainbow Dash.]

Ahem. Since everyone's been asking about jobs, I guess I need one, too. Anyone need an employee whose primary customer service ability is the eye-roll?

c: sirius black, c: claudio kilgannon, c: akira inugami, c: sherlock holmes, !: raven

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