[Might've been a while since you've heard this voice, but it still might be a little hard to recognize, since for once, it's quiet and calm (and maybe just genuinely tired, instead of faking it). What is this, the zombie apocalypse? But hey, man, it's probably just the winter blues. That's all.]
That time of year again, huh - just as much of a headache as last time.
[Quite literally, too. But that's what happens when you take a leave of absence for a month to pry vindictive Goddesses of Death out of your forehead, you know? And this time, with more of a customary whine:]
Man, that means the next two weeks are gonna be all about jacking up prices in the candy aisle!
{ooc; Post-
Izanami log, just to put some context in it. Also, yesterday may or may not have been his birthday but who cares.}