013 || Video

Jan 31, 2011 16:25

[It's sunny at the moment, even if it's still frigid. The rain has seemed to have ebbed off for the moment. There's the faint sound of splashing before the video feed comes on properly. It seems the source of the sound is Nana, dressed up in only a short sleeved dress and wellington boots. No mittens, no sweater, no socks - just a thin black dress and boots. She also has a scarf wrapped around her neck and her Papa's purple tied up in her hair behind her horns. Aside from that though, she's wearing nothing.

It might seem odd to see a child dressed so...little in such chilly weather but she seems more than content, happy even to jump in the puddles surrounding her on the concrete.]

Nana was reading a story book with Pino and the book said that after the sky rains rainbows are made. Nana wants to find one.

[She seems to stumble slightly - thankfully her legs stay on - and she's back to jumping again.]

At the end of rainbows there are pots of gold. Nana wants to find gold because gold is like money...and Nana wants to help Uncle Raul. Nana eats a lot of things and food costs money. Stickers cost money too. Everything costs money - that's what a man on the TV said one day. So-!


If Nana finds the gold at the end of a rainbow, Nana can be Good and helpful. [A pause.] But mostly Good.

Do you know where Nana should look for rainbows?

†: gabu, c: magneto, c: raul creed, !: nana

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