Jan 26, 2011 18:27
[ When the feed snaps on, there's only a dash of static, darkness, and a distinctive sniffing sound. Then it cuts. A minute later it's back again. Instead of darkness, there's a big, bright pair of green eyes and a dainty yellow nose. ]
Well shave my hide and call me a bareback, that feller was right. This ain't like no apple I ever seen. Don't look right, don't smell right, don't shine right...
[ After a moment's consideration, the pony - because it IS a pony, one the color of summer sunshine with a ten gallon hat on her head - leans down and licks the screen of her new NV. ] Nope, don't taste like no proper Macintosh, neither.
Wonder how ya get the darn thing to turn of--[ The feed ends again, only to return a few seconds later. ]--on?
Oh, so that's how it works? I gotta talk to ya. That's mighty clever, 'cept how am I supposed to do that and carry ya at the same time?
[ She frowns, rubbing under her chin with her foreleg. ] ...I don't suppose ya'll be able to fly, would y...now isn't that slick as anything.
[ Dutifully, the picture swings upward, now hovering above the pony. ]
Ya really are a smart little thing, aren't ya?
c: the joker,
c: sam merlotte,
c: rainbow dash,
c: black mask,
c: cloud strife