[002] - video

Jan 26, 2011 16:53

...Zanzibar? What the hell-

[Here's a voice that doesn't crop up on the network at large all that often. Snake's not really too good with public speaking or small talk. This, however, is neither of those. In fact, he'd meant to direct it to ysobritish, but in his haste, it's gone public ( Read more... )

c: liquid snake, †: idui, c: samus aran, !: solid snake

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video. dacnomanic January 26 2011, 22:07:10 UTC
[ oblivious to the fact this wasn't meant to be public. :| ]

Shomeone brought the hamshtersh here?


video. formerfoxhound January 26 2011, 22:28:23 UTC
[Hell, Liquid what happened to your voice. :|a]

[...oh. Hngh. He passes a hand over his eyes in mute frustration for a second before he answers.]

They're definitely not local. Zanzibarland is halfway across the world. At least, it was back home.


video. dacnomanic January 26 2011, 22:36:46 UTC

Zhanzhibarland. [ pause. ] That'sh a shtrange name

Ish Mishter from Zhanzhibarland?


video. formerfoxhound January 26 2011, 22:53:36 UTC
...What? Nno.

I went there on a mission, once.


video. dacnomanic January 26 2011, 22:57:49 UTC
A mission!

Did Mishter Zhanzhibar go there to kill hamshtersh?


video. formerfoxhound January 26 2011, 23:08:20 UTC
...Not exactly.

[He leans back and runs a hand through his hair. Snake was never good with kids. No idea how to talk to them. It's a good thing Sunny's used to him already.]

Look, don't you--

[And a pause.]

...Mister what?


video. dacnomanic January 26 2011, 23:09:45 UTC
[ so very matter-of-fact-ly: ]

Idui doeshn't know Mishter'sh name, sho Idui'sh going to shay Mishter Zhanzhibar.

[ nod. ]

Doeshn't Idui what?


video. formerfoxhound January 26 2011, 23:23:45 UTC
[Slowly.] ...Snake.

[He tilts his head curiously at the kid.]

...don't you have anything better to do?


video. dacnomanic January 26 2011, 23:27:41 UTC
Shnake. Mishter Shnake. Okay, hello Mishter Shnake.

[ headcant to the side, curiously. ]

Like what? Idui doeshn't go to shchool and doeshn't have a job yet.


video. formerfoxhound January 27 2011, 00:22:06 UTC
...Just Snake.

[He's not sure if he can even remember the last time someone called him "mister."]

No school, huh? So you sit around talking to strangers instead? Maybe you ought to try it.


video. dacnomanic January 27 2011, 00:28:00 UTC
[ pause. ] Jusht Shnake shounds like Mishter ish a real shnake, sho Idui ish going to shay Mishter Shnake.

[ and a little bitty sigh. ] Idui'sh a weapon, sho Idui doeshn't need to go to school. And Idui findsh out about thingsh by talking to people.


video. formerfoxhound January 27 2011, 01:36:32 UTC
[That gets his attention.]

A weapon? Someone tell you that?


video. dacnomanic January 27 2011, 01:49:47 UTC
[ ...??? slightly confused. ] Yesh, people shay it, but Idui'sh really a weapon. Idui'sh a shword.

Why would shomeone shay it if Idui ishn't a weapon?


video. formerfoxhound January 27 2011, 03:54:35 UTC
[...okay so you kind of lost him a little with the sword thing, but. This kind of resonates with him, even if he's...sort of misinterpreting it. Snake's a weapon. Engineered, created and raised to be a perfect soldier. He doesn't like to imagine people being used the way he was. Especially not a kid.]

Sounds like they don't want you to think you have a choice in the matter. Restricting information is one of the best ways to keep people in line.

[And he should know.]

But you don't look like a sword to me. People aren't tools. You can fight just because someone tells you you're a weapon, but then that's all you'll ever be.


video. dacnomanic January 27 2011, 04:01:00 UTC
[ SUCH a long, confused stare. ]

But Idui'sh an Adel Raid, Idui'sh a weapon. Um.

[ fidget fidget fidget. ]

Doesh Mishter Shnake not know what a shword ish? Idui turnsh into a shword for fighting. It'sh a weapon.

Mishter Shnake'sh kind of weird.


video. formerfoxhound January 27 2011, 04:14:48 UTC
[...well, he's not really going to argue that last part. The rest, though.]

I know what a sword is. You're not a sword. You're a kid.


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