002 [VIDEO]

Jan 21, 2011 07:03

[ We all surely have seen some odd things in Siren's pull no doubt ( Read more... )

c: the joker, †: bayonetta, c: lee chaolan, †: poison ivy, c: black mask

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[video] tokissity January 20 2011, 20:24:38 UTC
[She doesn't know who the hell you are, but Ivy already likes your style. She herself wasn't up to nearly as much fun -- she was just idly lying around in a grassy area of her greenhouse.]

I think the comparison complies more with men, rather than children. They get off on the whole dominance issue, you know.


[video] hittheclimax January 20 2011, 20:40:58 UTC
Whatever it is, they're both such a exhausting trial to deal with. At least the men grow to like it. If not -- [ A pause. ] -- well, there is nothing wrong with playing a little rough.


[video] tokissity January 20 2011, 21:15:08 UTC
All the men grow to like it rough, whether they want to admit to it or not.

[She smirks.] Nothing wrong with it at all. I may be gentle with my babies, but the male population is a different story entirely.


[video] hittheclimax January 20 2011, 21:27:19 UTC
[ A small noise of agreement, after all she likes to play it rough too. ]

Really now -- ? Children are the last thing on my mind, but lets have a little bit of girl talk, shall we?


[video] tokissity January 22 2011, 18:35:24 UTC
Name the rime and the place, darling, and I'll be there.


[video] hittheclimax January 23 2011, 17:00:52 UTC
[ Thoughtful hum. ]

Well, shall we go to a little quaint cafe -- or would you prefer somewhere more private?


[video] tokissity January 25 2011, 02:18:04 UTC
[A sly look here.] Is any place ever really "private"? There's eyes and ears everywhere.

[She then shrugs.] A cafe will suffice. Got any favorite spots, dear?


[video] hittheclimax January 26 2011, 13:05:28 UTC
[ And it would only be rude if she didn't reply with another. ]

Dear me, letting me of all people pick a place? Now then, shall we take our little evening at [ INSERT SOME REALLY NICE GARDEN-Y PLACE HERE IF IT EXISTS!? ] -- I did notice the scenery was a lovely shade of green that would match your skin.


[video] tokissity January 26 2011, 14:43:18 UTC
It's only polite if you're the one doing the inviting in the first place.

Mm. It's so too kind of you to consider a place to color coordinate with my particularly verdant skin. It'd be so terribly rude for me to decline.

I'll be there soon.



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