Dec 27, 2010 14:23


Because, of course, Christmas is not over! There are twelve days of it, which is why children sing that incredibly charming song about the twelve days of Christmas, with the twelve extravagant gifts! I had thought to get my daughter Haruhi the self-same presents that are described in that song, but then I realized that it would be far more fun to have a commoner's Christmas, so I restrained myself! Perhaps next year!

I saw fifty Christmas trees on the curbs on my way to a photo shoot this morning! Fifty! Is it common, to be rid of them so quickly? We didn't celebrate Christmas with the same emphasis, of course--not in France, and certainly not in Japan!--but I have seen all of the commoner movies on the subject. They all take place before Christmas, however--there's no record of films that take place after Christmas. So what do commoners usually do? Do they usually tear down their decorations right away? I must admit, I'm reluctant to do that--I spent a great deal of time with these decorations, and they are so lovely! The Love Door alone is a work of art! So if it isn't in violation of strict commoner tradition, I might leave my decorations up longer.

Ah, but I hope that everyone got everything that they wanted for Christmas! I know that I did! I had a lovely family Christmas at home with my daughter Haruhi, and I delivered everyone's presents on time--including to present to my "Secret Santa", Mr. Grimmjow! What a fun commoner custom that was! And of course I hosted the Christmas party on the children's ward of Skye Medical Center, thanks to Doctor Daeadalus Yumeno, who was kind enough to invite us to do so! Thank you again for the opportunity, Doctor Yumeno, although in the future, you should feel free to ask me directly! No need to be shy!

Of course, I have a great many cookies left over from that party, and there is no chance that Haruhi and I will eat all of them, despite how delicious they are! I made them myself, so if you are feeling nostalgic or in need of Christmas spirit, please, let me know, and I will deliver some cookies to you!

...Ah, and Haruhi, have you seen Copper? I have one more present to give him, but he isn't around! Do you have him with you at work?

c: the joker, †: oerba dia vanille, c: magneto, c: rochelle, c: kei yuki, †: seth nightroad, c: daedalus yumeno, !: suou tamaki, c: replica riku, c: naruto uzumaki, c: ahiru

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