news feed; saturday, december 25, 2010

Dec 25, 2010 04:12

Saturday; December 25, 2010


Temperatures are staying chilly, and it won't be a white Christmas. Rain falls heavily throughout the day, and winds will be moderate to high during the afternoon and evening. High of 4°C and a low of 0°C (39°F/32°F), windchill brings the temperature down to -10°C (32°F) at times.

Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Morning sirens will go off at 8:10 am, and evening sirens will go off at 4:10 pm.

Eviction Notices


Other Notes

- Soup kitchens are continuing to operate, but most shops outside of gas stations, a few convenience stores, and very few coffee shops will be open for Christmas Day. The City is very quiet, and the news is generally light-hearted and Christmas-related, with anything darker reserved for after Christmas.

- There is a story running today on the successful Christmas Miracle for Brendan's little brother. The article confirms that Tully deDrago, head of AGI, was the benefactor and one of his AGI agents was the person impersonating Santa.

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