news feed; thursday, december 23, 2010

Dec 23, 2010 00:21

Thursday; December 23, 2010


Temperatures remain chilly throughout the day, with heavy cloud cover and high winds. Cloud cover will ease up at night, giving a nice view of the moon through dark clouds. High of 4°C and a low of 0°C (39°F/32°F), windchill brings the temperature down to -10°C (32°F) at times.

Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous

Morning sirens will go off at 8:10 am, and evening sirens will go off at 4:10 pm.

Eviction Notices

The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three four days' notice of eviction (Boxing Day is bad for eviction too! Besides, the Landlord has to do his Boxing Day Sale shopping...). Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, and the landlord has given three four days (until December 27) to leave the apartments.

Dr. John "Jack" Seward

Other Notes

- Darkness will continue to be overly active throughout the Darkness on the night of the 22nd/morning of the 23rd. Abilities will continue to malfunction during the morning, but the effect will wear off before the evening sirens, and then Darkness will be normal again for the night of December 23rd/morning of December 24th. Expect a nice, calm Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, Siren's Port!

- There is a quick article on a Christmas Miracle at Skye Medical Clinic. Last night, several prematurely born babies were saved by the Newcomer doctor who recently aided the girl who found the Core. These babies' growth was accelerated to that of a 9 1/2 month old baby artificially. All the babies, which were given a low life expectancy due to premature birth, are expected to leave the hospital for Christmas Day and spend their first Christmas with their families.

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