Proxy 03 [video]

Dec 17, 2010 08:09

This time of year reminds me a lot of Romdeau. It was never cold or snowy like this but- everyone was so preoccupied with buying. It was good for the city you see and- it's good here? No one ever really talks about that though, how it's good for the society, just how it's good to get a person a gift.

It's so much more...emotional.

[He pauses, it's just a thought he had that made it's way a loud. And he may or may not be be reflecting on another experience concerning magically coerced emotions. But he has another purpose to fulfill. After some fumbling he manages to filter the rest of this from Nami, his secret Santa partner.]

But you can get gifts for people you don't know too, so it's a mutual exchange among strangers. [And that is the sort of thing he's more used to in society- no expected emotional connection to another person.] So what I'm asking is-

What do you get a girl who likes tangerines?

c: franz d'epinay, c: pino, c: re-l mayer, c: kenzo tenma, !: vincent law, c: daedalus yumeno

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