
Dec 13, 2010 10:23

Okay- does it seriously work like this? Creepy.

[A young man- midway through being a teenager, maybe? He's pulling back from the camera of his NV. After about two seconds of sitting up straight in front of it, he cocks his head, frowns, and leans back in a fraction.]

...Does it really-? Oh, whatever.

[An awkward clearing of his throat, and a layer of accent that might sound vaguely European. He's damp, his nose is pink, but he can't be too surprised by it - he does at least look dressed for the weather, with some sort of big cloak all about him. Lucky, maybe, that he just came from a place of snow himself. (Better still that he at least seems to be in an apartment by now.)

There's an ornament in his hair that he's been fiddling with, but he glances fleetingly to the camera and simply ends up tugging it free.]


[Great entrance, bro.]

So I listened to the introduction to this place. I think I've gotten everything - uh, by the way, your Greeter guys are... pretty resilient. You should give them some appreciation sometime. Or something. [He kind of decked his Greeter in the face. Maybe he feels a little bad about that.]

I need to know if anyone's from Azelprade. Anywhere in Azelprade, just as long as you know about it. I'm told it's not on any maps or anything here. ...So I have to know. Uh-

[Okay. Now, unsureface.]

I was also told there'd be a way to get heating in this place. How exactly does that... ...work?

[A pursing of lips, and he kind of cringes at himself, and then reaches forward and slaps the top of the NV to shut it off.]

†: belca noctircus, †: eco

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