Wednesday; February 24, 2010
The weather for today will be slightly overcast all day with a slight chance of intermittent showers. High of 10°C and a low of 6°C (50°F/43°F).
Eviction Notices
Governor's Son Arrested - At Last
The article reports that
Governor Redgrave's son, Bryce Redgrave, was arrested yesterday evening for indecent exposure at a local bar. Although the Governor's spokesperson tried to keep it low-key, it was reported that the boy was escorted out of the bar and to a holding cell under the club until morning sirens. He was taken down from a bar counter where he was trying to strip and dance while intoxicated. Though several witnesses have suggested the young man was high on some kind of drug as well as drunk, drug involvement has not been confirmed.
The Governor's offices have yet to comment - but the arresting officer has been taken in for questioning. The report says that it was leaked that it's very likely the officer will be demoted for his actions in handling this case. Witnesses report that the officer's behaviour was exemplary, and speculate that he's only facing demotion because he dared to arrest the Governor's son instead of following previous protocol and covering up the boy's actions.
The article closes off with a statement that the reporter considers the officer in this case a hero - one of the few shining examples of officers that lack corruption in this City.
Storm Damage Causes Price Hikes
This is a short blurb detailing some damage done to the
Agricultural Sector, including flooding in various fields, downed trees in several orchards, and the loss of several head of cattle. The article states that prices on produce and organic meat in the City is already raising exponentially and is expected to stay that way for at least a month, until imports can fill the gaps.
Classified Ads
Weapons Sale: Dino’s Weapons Emporium is having a storewide sale. Everything is 15% off for the week. Guns, knives, swords, axes, maces and more. Look up Dino’s in the 3rd sector.
BENEFIT CONCERT: All-night benefit concert being held by the famous City band BAD WOLF. All proceeds go to the storm victim benefit fund. Ticket prices include dinner, two drink tickets, three opening bands, and sleeping space for breaks. Merchandise tables will be loaded, and all merch proceeds go to help displaced families and food funds.
[OOC Note: Sorry the news is so late today guys!]