Dec 03, 2010 06:52
[When it comes on, it's not quite focused on her face. She's not holding it up as straight or as firmly as she can, but she knows it's on.]
It seems all I ever use this for is to search for people.
[There's a shaky breath and it tilts up a little more to show her face. Her eyes are red-rimmed and she's clearly barely holding on to her calm.]
Does anyone know where Xerxes Break is? [Another breath, shorter this time, shakier.] I heard from him earlier. Well, I...I saw his device and he was....
[She's clearly starting to get a little more hysterical, starting to feel her control slip, and she stops. Breathes. Continues:]
Please. If anyone knows where he is... He didn't come home when I told him to, and I'm very worried.
!: sharon rainsworth,
c: vincent nightray