[voice] ok I lied

Nov 29, 2010 14:23

I assume everyone read the news yesterday regarding the death of Mitsuru Kirijo. [A slight pause.] From this article, it sounds as though either that the so-called "Newcomer Killer" is active once more, or that a copycat has taken their place.

The Newcomer Killer was last active a number of months ago, then inexplicably ceased activity. Though referred to as a killer, singular, reports indicate that this is actually a group of killers, most likely three or more in number. One seems to have null powers, which is why so many - even those of enormous power - have lost their lives to these people. They're motivated by xenophobia, as you all can no doubt tell from the letter sent to the police; they almost always go for the kill. Their calling card seems to be mutilating the bodies in grotesque ways.

I emphasize: they are extremely dangerous. They typically target those who are traveling alone, so please, if you must go out, travel with other people. And if at any time you find yourself unable to use your powers, assume the worst and run. The best thing you can do is escape.

Be cautious.

c: asano rin, c: grell sutcliff, c: magneto, c: raphael, c: uchiha madara, †: yagami raito, c: larry butz, c: re-l mayer, c: naruto uzumaki, †: apollo justice, c: laughing beauty, c: tyki mikk, c: ahiru, !: miles edgeworth, c: sherlock holmes

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