
Nov 15, 2010 15:35

[Edgeworth is, as ever, using voice. However, when he speaks, he sounds deeply exhausted, deeply miserable - and deeply ashamed. Behind him is the sound of the modern prison - intercom announcements, slamming doors, harsh footsteps, low conversation.]

I've been allowed my NV back briefly to speak to all of you. The message I have is this: do not attempt to extract any of us from here. Though we were wrongfully accused, we were rightfully arrested, and if any attempt to break us out we will not go with you. We will stand trial, and the courts will see us acquitted of these charges.

[A pause. There is little conviction in his voice.]

And - I'm...sorry. I am sorry.

c: the joker, c: sam merlotte, c: magneto, c: re-l mayer, c: adachi tohru, c: ishida uryuu, c: jubilee, c: temari, †: scarecrow, †: yagami raito, c: riku, c: liquid snake, c: naruto uzumaki, †: poison ivy, !: miles edgeworth, c: franziska von karma, c: sherlock holmes, †: claire bennet

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